Twelfth house stellium?

2013-02-22 4:15 am
Is it just me, or are they not very common?

Pisces Sun 12th house
Aries Moon 12th
Pisces Mercury 12th
Pisces Venus 12th
Aries Saturn 12th

Lol kind of ironic how the two signs in my stellium are opposites as well. Also, in my whole chart, all of my signs are either in the 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th, or 12th house. What might this say about me?

Here is a chart if needed.

Thanks in advance. Please don't copy and paste, that won't get you any points. :)

回答 (2)

2013-02-22 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
I feel the 12th House is the most mysterious of all the houses and the 12th is also generally considered a bad placement but I disagree. Yes there are lessons to be learned from our 12th House but they are 'given' to us in order to become a better person by getting rid of what we no longer need.

When seeking the truth of astrology I often use the traits of the opposite sign/house to 'nail' the traits of the answer I seek.

Since the 12th House is the opposite of the 6th House of Daily Work and Servants then the 12th House must mean the opposite of the 6th House meaning. The 12th House is where we become 'one' with our creator and cast away darkness and seek the 'light.' The light of love.

Servants take care of the 'running' of a house and truly know what 'goes on behind closed doors.' Seldom do we know what goes on in the privacy of a home but the servants certainly do. Servants take care of other's needs and wants with emphasis on the daily chores. Virgo rules the 6th House and are known for their attention to detail and rather unemotional nature which 'agrees' with this house and sign.

Now I analyze the opposite sign of 6th House Virgo which is of course the 12th House of Pisces. l believe that instead of serving others we are to serve the greatest domain which is our spiritual side. Our 'selfless' side. Being able to let go of the daily grind and seek our 'oneness' with our infinite creator. Getting 'rid' of what is no longer needed by 'letting go.' Resentment, anger, bitterness must be 'removed' in order to become a more loving person that is filled with light and love. So the 'work' here in the 12th is to rid ourselves of what is no longer needed and is holding us back from finding our 'Peace with God.'

We are on this planet to learn to love and forgive. That is really the goal here on earth. The 12th House tells us what we need to "undo" as opposed to "doing." We really have to 'let go' of the unimportant things and focus on love, selfless love, in order to evolve and become a better person.

So the 12th is the House of Karma in that we have to 'let go' of what is no longer needed in this lifetime in order to avoid carrying our 'baggage' into our next lifetime. So the 12th House is also the house of letting go of what is no longer needed.

Think of this as flowing with the current in a stream and as you 'flow' you release everything that is no longer serving a positive purpose in your life. If you try to fight the current you will only be exhausted and frustrated. Hence, we have to 'let go.'

Pisces Sun is compassionate toward others while focusing on The Big Picture which is our greatest goal. Loving all. Forgiving all. But you cannot 'give' what you don't 'have' so letting go of our ego in order to advance is not easy to do, but necessary to do in order to evolve. We are spiritual beings encased in a physical body and Pisces is very spiritual and psychic too. Pisces absorbs the emotions of others so it is easy to 'feel' those that are suffering and to be 'selfless' and help these people as this is how we truly grow and evolve.

So clean out those closets that are filled with unnecessary 'baggage' and again, in your next lifetime you won't have to 'carry' those issues lifetime after lifetime. So when you read about how 'bad' the 12th House planets are instead think of how you can chuck the 'bad' and you will be lighter and happier too. Yes those secret enemies we read about in that 12th House are usually our own 'battles' to overcome in order to become 'better' in all ways possible. No hate. No resentment. Just let it go.

And I feel your Mars opposition to your Sun, Mercury, and Venus are just life lessons that are 'showing' you that anger (mars) is not needed anymore especially in relationships as the opposition is a hard relationship aspect. So 'let go' of anger and learn to compromise and cooperate with others as this can be a tough aspect to overcome. But again letting go of that anger is the answer that will free your heart in order to open your heart to others in a loving way. Avoid those that want to fight as it serves you no purpose in this lifetime. Would go on but only certain amount of space allowed here. Love yourself and your creator and you will richly 'grow' (evolve) in this lifetime. Good luck and bless you too.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that Pisces need to stay away from negative people because of Pisces' ability to absorb other people's emotions. So always watch other's behavior as this always reveals the true character of a person. Again good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-02-22 8:12 am
Your 12th house contains an intercepted Aries, as does your 6th house opposite, it contains an intercepted Libra, as these houses are much bigger in your chart because of the latitude you live at. Your Mars in Virgo is a funnel for a lot of the energy in your chart as you have what's known as a bucket, or funnel chart, with Mars standing alone. If you read all about your Mars and it's aspects etc, you'll find out lots about yourself.
Your stellium consists of your Sun, Mercury and Venus in Pisces, in your 12th house, (and these are opposed by your Mars). This is not common buit it's also not rare either. There can only be a conjunction aspect between these three planets, which make up the stellium and they show great sensitivity to others, capabilities of great sacrifice to help others, although you do have some great ideas, you may lack the confidence to express them; you probably are more discriminating for the needs of other people than you are in your own relationships and you probably have difficulty showing any sensitivity or how you feel etc. Pisces is a very compassionate sign but all this may be hidden in the 12th house.
Your Moon is also in this house and it's square to Neptune, so your feelings and emotions give you great difficulties in romance and probably being taken advantage of, especially as they're both aspecting mars, one way or another; although you may be artistic or put your energy into something artistic or musical, you still are probably a sucker for any hard luck story.
2016-11-15 6:19 pm
12th House Stellium
2015-08-19 11:44 am
This Site Might Help You.

Twelfth house stellium?
Is it just me, or are they not very common?

Pisces Sun 12th house
Aries Moon 12th
Pisces Mercury 12th
Pisces Venus 12th
Aries Saturn 12th

Lol kind of ironic how the two signs in my stellium are opposites as well. Also, in my whole chart, all of my signs are either in the 6th, 8th, 10th,...
參考: twelfth house stellium:

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