
2013-02-22 3:12 am
我想問一下, 90日個visa 係點計.


係KR 留90日,

之後唔係番HK ,

而係去JP 留幾日,

再番去KR 留90日.

我想問下咁ge 情況o唔ok?

定係一定要90日後番一番HK ,


由KR 去JP 咩都唔洗申請,

直接飛去就得, 係唔係?

回答 (2)

2013-02-22 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
去韓國90日免簽證逗留, 係每次入境計.

即係如果你去韓國, 入境計90日就要出/離境.
咁你出/離境, 返香港又得, 去中國又得, 去日本, 去北韓都得,
再入南韓境時, 再入境果日重新計90日免簽證逗留.

如果你個passport可去日本免簽證逗留, 就唔洗申請.

2013-02-23 20:16:38 補充:
唉? 如果如Gary所說, 一般90日免簽證逗留係有時限既話,

仲有就係, 我喺韓國有個加拿大朋友以旅遊免簽證逗留係韓國,
佢都係差唔多夠期 就飛去日本旅行幾日 再飛返嚟韓國,
佢既旅遊免簽證都係喺再入境時重新計過, 唔使飛返加拿大架噃!

2013-02-23 21:28:23 補充:
如果如Gary所說, 一般90日免簽證逗留係有時限既話,

仲有就係, 我喺韓國有個加拿大朋友以旅遊免簽證逗留係韓國,
佢都係差唔多夠期 就飛去日本旅行幾日 再飛返嚟韓國,
佢既旅遊免簽證都係喺再入境時重新計過, 唔使飛返加拿大架噃!

2013-03-01 14:56:39 補充:
就如Gary所說, 每一個國家都不會計算你每一次逗留的日子的總和
而作出扣減. 所以每一次你入境時他們都會給予90日免簽證逗留.
"90日免簽證逗留", 而不是按扣減後的"80日免簽證逗留"
(假若我已在一年內逗留了10日), 或"1日免簽證逗留"

而我的加拿大朋友就係利用這個好處, 以180日免簽證逗留係
他會在差唔多夠期前 就飛往其他國家旅遊, 之後再回韓國.
就係咁逗留係韓國幾年! 其中只係飛返加拿大探親一次咋!

2013-03-01 15:04:23 補充:
l understood the issue but dont quite understand your logic.

You said "You can enter mulitple times as with 12 months, you never stayed more than 90 days in Japan"

2013-03-01 15:21:51 補充:
Do you mean if you stay for EXACTLY 90 days, you cant enter again within 12 months? Then it's easy, just stay for 89 days and leave and then re-enter again (as you said "it is never a practice for each country to actually deduct deduct your time previously spent").

2013-03-02 01:38:39 補充:
If you mean you cant stay for "a TOTAL of 90 days", then this is contrary to your saying: each country wont deduct your time previously spent. Therefore you may stay for 89 days and leave and then re-enter again and enjoy another 90 days visa free travel.

2013-03-02 01:43:48 補充:
You are correct that each country wont deduct your time previously spent. So, every time when you enter, the immigration chop will bear 2 pieces of information: the entry date and the "90 days" stay permission irrespective of the no. of days you previously stayed.

2013-03-02 01:44:57 補充:
This is exactly what my Canadian friend did to enjoy long term stay without applying for a visa. For your information, a Canadian may stay in Korea for 180 days (half year) without a visa.

2013-03-02 01:47:00 補充:
Re: your question: If you can come and go, what's the difference of giving you residence?
Simple logic will tell u, if "come and go" is the same as "permanent residency, all people around the world may enjoy our social benefit if they have a "visa free travel permit".

2013-03-02 01:49:23 補充:
Furthermore, the visitors have to leave the country before the expiry date and this is a cost issue because you may stay for 1 year but you have to come and go 4 times which means you have to get 4 sets of air tickets!!! This is a substantial amount!
2013-02-23 12:07 am
The answer is no.

Unless specified, please assume that all visa-free travel period is based on any 12 months period.

In other word, based on your situation, unless you apply a visa, you should not go to South Korea again for a year.

2013-02-24 08:13:22 補充:
You don't understand the issue.

Have you ever stayed in Japan for the entire 90 days before you enter again?

You can enter mulitple times as with 12 months, you never stayed more than 90 days in Japan.

2013-02-24 08:14:31 補充:
Also - it is never a practice for each country to actually deduct deduct your time previously spent. So it has a false impression that when you exit, you get 90 new days.

2013-02-24 08:32:40 補充:
Remember - it is visa-free travel.

If you can come and go, what's the difference of giving you residence?

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