美國留學 - 英文讀短期課程

2013-02-21 10:43 pm
本人已在社會工作已有一段時間, 現年二十九歲, 我打算到美國波士頓讀短期英文課程, 約一年時間. 想知道自己申請詳細情況.

1. 如有朋友介紹了一家學校, 要怎開始申請 及 流程?
先向學校申入學 / 考toefl / 申請VISA

2 Toefl 在那裡考? 如何報名 ? 費用 ?

3 如想盡快成行, 何時開始報名 ?

4 短期課程費用 如住宿, 考試, 簽證, 學費等等 還有其他費用嗎?

5 還有其他注意事嗎?

本人真的很迷茫, 希望大家給我寶貴意見, 萬分感激!!

回答 (4)

2013-02-22 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The first step is go to that school's website.

The website should include the application procedures and everything you need to know.

If you have any questions, you can contact the school for detail.

2. Go to here and check the detail:


3. As soon as you are ready.

4. Airfares, insurance, incidentals, etc.

5. Think about what you want first before acting:

a. What will you get out from the program? (Those schools are not good enough to improve your English.)

b. Is it worth it? (When you go to the U.S., your world stops for 1 year. But the outside world does not stop.)

c. Is it really what you want?
2013-03-02 3:06 am
1. 如有朋友介紹了一家學校, 要怎開始申請 及 流程?
先向學校申入學 / 考toefl / 申請VISA
-你可以一些升學中心幫你一次過搞哂D手續, 我讀書個D都係咁, 吾駛咁煩, 又吾會怕自己整錯既, 尤其係簽證部份.
同埋如果你只係讀英文, 應該吾駛考TOEFL喎, 吾好哂錢考, 問清楚先.

2 Toefl 在那裡考? 如何報名 ? 費用 ?

3 如想盡快成行, 何時開始報名 ?
你視乎學校何時開學, 通常由報名到出發最快可以几個星期就得了.

4 短期課程費用 如住宿, 考試, 簽證, 學費等等 還有其他費用嗎?
機票, 保險, 書保文具, 交通, 接機等.

5 還有其他注意事嗎?
多些了解你去既學校同當地環境. 如果你透過agent 報名, 佢地會提醒你一些個別學校特別要注意既事情. 如果吾係, 你問下介紹呢間學校俾你既朋友

希望幫到你, 如有問題, 可以send message 給我. 大家交流下啦.
參考: 留學生
2013-02-24 9:02 am
E-mail:[email protected]
2013-02-23 7:20 am

Full-Time Semester Programs

What you’ll learn

The Intensive Program (020) and Super Intensive Program (050) will help you develop the skills, fluency, and confidence you need to communicate effectively in English. These programs consist of morning core classes and afternoon elective classes. You’ll improve your overall abilities in both spoken and written English, as well as your understanding of U.S. culture. After completing your program, you’ll be better prepared to use English at work, in school, or among international friends.

Application Requirements:

Be at least 17 years old
Be a graduate of high school/secondary school
Be able to read and correctly pronounce simple words in English
Have enough money to pay for your tuition and all other costs. Please read the Estimated Expenses. CELOP does not offer financial aid.

Health and Medical


All students who attend CELOP must (1) provide proof of immunizations, and (2) have adequate medical insurance. Information and forms will be included with your acceptance materials. These forms must be submitted prior to your arrival at CELOP.

Housing & Dining

University housing is available to all full-time CELOP students who apply for it. However, BU does not provide housing for married couples or students with children.

If you want to live on campus, you must complete and sign a Residence Life Agreement (RLA). We will send you an RLA after you have been officially accepted into a CELOP program.

Students may live off campus if they prefer. Students who choose not to live in University housing are strongly encouraged to make their housing arrangements before arriving in Boston.





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