
2013-02-21 9:15 am
老公和我分別有92,000及35,000里數, 因發現K/F換機票冇Asia Miles咁抵, so一路都只用AM來換機票! 現知道DBS會4月起終止兑換K/F里數, 所以想係4月前換夠所需里數連同現有的里數一起用晒佢, 以後主力儲A/M.

如一家三口, 想換兩或三張來回機票, 請問有無師兄/姐有儲開KrisFlyer可分享吓換邊條航線所需的里數比用AM換抵 ge ?

2)如有以上里數, 你又會奌用呢?

知道online換去星加坡ge機票有discount, 但星加坡已去過了, 不會再又去了!!

回答 (1)

2013-02-21 2:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. A lot of routes fall to this. But to be exact, if the actual miles flown is between 1,201-2,500 (Asia Miles Award Zone B) and your destination is China, Guam, Japan, South Korea (non-major destinations are excluded), using KrisFlyer can save more than Asia Miles.

2. I will choose Guam:

a. It is a place that you can visit by yourselves;

b. All Asia Miles partners do not fly to Guam. In Hong Kong, only United Airlines flies to Guam (Singapore Airlines and United Airlines are both Star Alliance members).

Also - if you want to maximize the value of your miles, use stopover.

(For example, if inventory allows, you can fly to Seoul and Tokyo with the same miles. Additional fee may applies.)

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