Guys who have venus in scorpio?

2013-02-20 3:45 pm
I have no idea what this guy is thinking... it seems as if he is way too complicated... He has a rising sign in Pisces, moon in taurus, sun and mars in Sagittarius, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio; while my rising sign and moon in Pisces, mercury and sun in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo and Venus in Scorpio... (hope such information helps)

He told me he has a crush on his best friend... but he also mention he did not want to be with her because he does not want to spoil the friendship thing and he doesnt have time for dating...

When we are celebrating my birthday, I was drunk and cried for 15 minutes.. My friend later told me he stared into my eyes for the whole night and he helped me to settle down when i was drunk, my friend thinks it is possible he has a crush on me and thinks I should ask him out.

He will catch the bus for me even if he is clumsy; open the door for me when I needed it; when he knows I am unhappy, he will ask me out for a walk with him, even he had already made plans; last week when I cried for an hour, he hugged me for the entire hour; and yesterday when I accidentally fall off the bus, he was the only one who looked really serious at me and didnt laugh at me; When I had a fever last week, he offered to take me to hospital; He also likes to tap on my head, and calls me silly... sometimes he would put an arm on my waist from behind...

I think he kinda noticed me... like last week when I was sitting alone at the back of the room in class, i received a text from him asking me to sit with him and his friend... he was at the front of the room... if i am sitting at the front of the room, i wont actually look back to see whos sitting at the back of the room... then a few days ago he looked really tired and so i asked him what time he slept the night before... He said he slept at 2 and I said me either then he replied by saying he saw me online on fb at 2:30... well thats so contradicting... but i think he noticed me...

But I dont think he has a crush on me though,,, even though some of my friends said he has a crush on me and hes trying to cast his scorpio spell on me...?? sometimes he acted as if he is really uncomfortable without another girl around... well, her rising sign is in Aries, sun in Aquarius, moon in Sagittarius, mercury and venus in capricorn... He waited for her after class so to walk home with her and after 5 minutes it ended up shes not going back home... he wanted to hang out with her alone (i think) but everytime it ended up he is hanging out with her and other friends (including me)... When I was once at the cafe and him, he is feeling very uncomfortable without her around... so far, no one agreed with me that he has a crush on her...

It looks to me that he has a serious crush on the other girl... but to some of my friends he has a crush on me... I can usually tell when the guy has a crush on me but not this time... He is so mysterious about everything... anyone here knows what he is thinking? and possibly what I should do so he would tell me his feelings?
Thanks :D

回答 (2)

2013-02-20 3:58 pm
參考: Scorpio Moon 26° & neptune in 2nd House Vedic Studying astrology since 2009 Thank you Kapeil KRSChannel
2016-11-07 11:30 am
horoscope nonsense is merely nonsense, merely because of the fact your moon is in a scorpions *** as your hair passes a libra on a pony, does not propose you will meet a cheetah in the food market

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