
2013-02-21 4:53 am
我是今年DSE的考生, 我報Jupas的科全部以English為主... 我只是有一害怕入讀想讀的大學...

English: 5-5*
Maths: 2-3
L.S.: 2-3
Art: 3-4
Bio: 2-3

中文我已經考了英國的GCSE了 (Form 5時考了), 拿到A*,但是我聽過GCSE Chinese 不知道在幾個大學才接受的.

再多說自己,其實我是在外國出生的,在外國住了12年,回來就讀Form 1...
如果大學選中了我去interview ,我應不應該同他們說我是外國回流回來呢?

主要的問題是, 我頭3的科是在於CUHK 同HKU,但我都想入讀HKIEd~ 不知道我的成績會不會有機會上到大學呢?

(Sorry my chinese isn't that great~ Thank You~)

回答 (1)

2013-03-02 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think your mark still ok to go HKU or CUHK if your major is English but for HKIEd~ not really high chance because HKIEd~ need very high in all subject to get in. For interview, it is most time for people to meet requirement but it is final chance to get to University.If you have interview, you should tell them if they ask about your English.

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