fall in love

2013-02-20 5:55 pm
I am only 11,but I am fall in love with a 12 boy,what can I do?

回答 (3)

2013-02-20 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do first friend. too young Do not know what love is!

Do you like him. but he probably does not like you.

Grow up again now will Know.

2013-02-20 11:42 pm
Small age don't fall in love, should focus on their studies, began to big mature is not late!
2013-02-20 7:05 pm
妳單戀 or 雙戀???

First of all, do you know do the boy love you and does he knows you???

1.If he doesn't love you, but he knows you, you can play more with him, and make him feels like you are his sister.And he will fall in love with you too.

2.If he doesn't love you and doesn't knows you, you can take a lots of books and crash in to his hug, and use your big eyes to look at him. Then he will help you to pick the books, then you say thank you to him and then ask him for his name, telephone.
P.S:When you crash in to his hug, if can, kiss him, but later you have to act like you don't want to kiss with him and say sorry.

1. If he love you and he knows you to, thats very easy, you can 約會 with him!!!
And you can go to a coffee shop or fashion shop ............. <3

P.S: When you and hime are older than 18 years old, you can talk to your family and his family that you are in love with him.
And then.......... ==> ............................just wait for he ask you to marry him la!!!


If you have any questions, you can e-mail to me,

[email protected]

P.S: I am 10 years old.

bye bye !!!

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