What major should I take if I wanted to become a police officer?

2013-02-20 3:58 am
I have thought about it, I want to become a cop, but in another country...
I am currently studying in a community college in NY, what major I should take for that matter?
And also I am going back to my hometown to make a living after I graduate from college...


回答 (6)

2013-02-20 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Criminal justice or Criminology is a good degree for that
2016-11-29 11:16 am
% a significant that hobbies you, this is marketable, and that would desire to be useful for police artwork. there are various majors that are stable for cops and persons that prefer to alter into cops. Accounting, communications, pc technology, a distant places language, regulation, and psychology are some examples. whilst picking a significant, evaluate what that's relatively useful to do in case you identify to no longer replace right into a police officer or in case you are able to no longer replace right into a police officer. regardless of significant you %, make that maximum of a few time in college. % a school this is wisely approved, get the utmost grade factor customary which you would be able to, take section in a pair extracurricular events, get a stable internship, carry out a little universal volunteer artwork, do no longer do something unlawful, and shelter a stable recognition. that's super which you're making plans on getting a level. Getting a level is likely one in each and every of the main suitable issues which you're able to do. Many police departments require or desire applicants to have college. Having a level might desire to make it easier to get employed by potential of a few departments. some departments pay their officers greater in the event that they have a level. Having a level might desire to make it easier to get promoted for the period of your profession.
2013-02-20 11:05 pm
You should choose a major that interests you, that is marketable, and that could be useful for police work. There are many good majors for police officers and people that want to become police officers. Accounting, communications, computer science, a foreign language, law, and psychology are some examples. When choosing a major, consider what you might want to do if you decide not to become a police officer or if you can't become a police officer. It is great that you are planning on going to college. Getting a college degree is one of the best things that you can do if you want to become a police officer. Many police departments require or prefer applicants to have college. Having a degree could help you get hired with some departments. Some departments pay their officers more if they have a degree. Having a degree could also help you get promoted during your career. Whatever major you choose, make the most of your time and money while in college. Make sure to choose a school that is properly accredited, get the highest grade point average that you can, participate in a couple extracurricular activities, get a good internship, do some regular volunteer work, don't do anything illegal, and maintain a good reputation. Best of luck!
2013-02-20 4:00 am
Just like Whatevs said, Criminal Justice.

Its also good to join the army then after you could defiantly be a police officer. Its really up to you.
2013-02-20 4:36 am
start eating donuts everyday is a good start
2013-02-20 3:59 am
Criminal justice.
參考: My dad

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