Why do some people live from cancer and some die?

2013-02-20 12:02 am
Hi, I am looking for factual information about why the treatments for people that have cancer work, and some dont.

回答 (7)

2013-02-20 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
it depends on the type of cancer and how soon it was treated...
2013-02-20 8:41 am
There are around 200 different types of caner that can occur in different locations and have multiple stages.

Stage 4 includes metastasis to other organs and this canm also vary from patient to patient.

There are many different types of treatment, some patients respond better to some treatments than others.

With all these variables it is hardly suprising that we get a range of different results.

Research is ongoing as we do not have all the answers.
2013-02-20 8:31 am
People survive cancer, but no one lives from it.
How well someone des depends on the cancer, the stage at diagnosis and how well they respond to treatment.
Some cancers are so highly curable and spread so slowly they are not even reported, some are not curable at all.
參考: I am a cancer registrar.
2013-02-20 9:40 am
depends on the stage of cancer, type of cancer, how early the cancer was found, the position of the cancer (if its touching any other organs its more dangerous), the health and age of the person
2013-02-20 8:07 am
Theres not really any set information that will save someone if they receive it. It all depends on how early the cancer is diagnosed and treated and how severe the cancer is. For example starting with blood cancer in your foot is much better than in your chest because it can be much contained much easier. Just know that there is no treatment, though people are working on it, that is guaranteed to save someone while another won't.
參考: My grandfathers recent death of blood cancer.
2013-02-20 8:05 am
Well there are tons of factors.
-Some people are diagnosed sooner, and some are diagnosed later.
-Some people's bodies are more healthy at diagnosis
-Some people's bodies react better to cancer treatments
-Some people's bodies don't have as many symptoms and some don't have the same side effects.
-Some people are fighters and some go with the flow.
-Some people have access to better healthcare and better support.
2013-02-20 9:53 am
You have excellent answers above.
Let me put this is a context you may understand better.
Would you ask "Why do some people live from infections and some die ?"
You would not ask that because you know there are many types of infections
- bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoal, etc.
Cancer is a blanket term for hundreds of different diseases and stages of disease
just as infection is a blanket term for many types of microbial diseases.
Some types and degrees/stages are curable - and some are not.
The common mistake non-medical people make is thinking "cancer" is one disease.
That does not mean you are stupid. I don't know how to fix a car.
It's a matter of specific areas of expertise.
I spent 13 years to become a cancer specialist doctor.
I have never had a class in auto mechanics.
參考: MD Medical Oncologist and Hematologist - a cancer and blood specialist doctor - with twenty years experience

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