Do you think life is generally fair?

2013-02-19 2:47 pm
Is it true that the harder effort or work you put in, the better reward you receive?
Do you think success comes mainly from effort and intelligence, or luck and opportunities?
Please share your thoughts about life's fairness, especially the older people who I would need hear your comments.

回答 (4)

2013-02-19 2:58 pm
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No I don't believe it is the harder the effort or work you put in that gives you the biggest reward. Your success will come from living your passion and doing what you love to do. Opportunities come from you going towards the goals that you're trying to achieve. The reward comes when you realize that you're doing what you love and you're doing it with a passion. Your efforts come naturally when you see yourself reaching for something you really want. You create your own luck and opportunities. Again, life isn't fair or unfair. Life is exactly what you make it by the choices and decisions you make under any circumstance.
2013-02-20 12:12 am
Try being black in America for a month, and you'll get your answer.
2013-02-19 3:16 pm
No, life is not fair. And yet, because it is unfair to absolutely everyone, in that sense, life IS fair.
2013-02-19 2:52 pm
no its not fair havent you heard of social staifcation? excuse my spelling. its what we are all born into and each person is given different oppertunitys depending on their statifaction which is detrimined by race sex and parents social class. the american dream is a lie thats feed to us by our gov to keep us at rest. its called ideology
參考: im in a soc class

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