
2013-02-19 12:24 am

(e.g 搵agent,學校,搞手續果d)
3.我自問自己成績吾理想,預左自己係hk入吾到大學,所以先想dse完到加升學,如果我未夠資格係加拿大升讀大學,咁我應該讀college定high school之後再升上大學?
4.知吾知vancouver有邊間college好? (我想讀design)
8. 另外,我想知 英國(3年大學+生活費) 加拿大(4年大學+生活費) <---其實2個整體泥講邊個平d?
9.ielts難吾難考? 要點預備?
10.我應該幾時要去報考ielts? (我想今年9月過加拿大留學)
11.如果ielts吾達標係咪要去外國讀多吾知幾多個月果d吾知乜乜英文班?如係,咁要讀幾耐同埋洗吾洗考多次ielts果d and 詳細係點嫁??
12.果d ielts課程有冇用?

回答 (4)

2013-02-19 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I never recommend an agent unless the agent will take care housing arrangement for you.

2. At least 6-9 months before departure. If you wait until HKDSE is completed, you are looking at January 2014 departure.

3. College - your HKDSE and Form 6 is recognized by Canada.

4. You won't begin studying Design for a while. So simply choose a community college.

5. Not as large when you compare the U.S. in general. One of the reasons is British Columbia's system does not focus on transferability unitl early 1990s.

6. You have to find it yourself.

7. About HKD$400,000, given that Vancouver is an area that has a high cost of living.

8. Canada. The reasons:

a. You are missing one year (HKDSE is only equivalent to GCSE, not A-Level);

b. European spending is huge.

9. No - it is similar to HKDSE.

10. Now.

11. It depends. Some schools provide language school/program as a gap or gateway for admission.

12. I will say no - you don't know your problem area.
2013-02-23 11:41 pm
2013-02-20 1:05 am
1. 我親戚前幾年都係搵EF, 跟進得幾好, 同埋公司又夠大, 全世界都有分行
2. 越早越好啦, 因為agnet都有好多野要準備, 可能又要上學前課程/學前考試
3. 之前我親戚跟EF有得上d英語課程先, 之後再升上大學
4. 呢個唔多清楚..你去問agent / EF會專業d
5. 睇成績
6. 同第4條一樣
7. 大約30萬
8. 差唔多...
9. 睇返學校要你考幾分, 如果跟EF既話佢地都有課程幫你準備
10. 最遲6月好去考了
11. EF既話好似係係外國讀幾個月英語課程, 期間仲會有d升大學既指導, 不過我都係聽親戚講, 你最好都係自己去EF問清楚
12. 有用既, 真係有d考試技巧
參考: 自己+我親戚
2013-02-19 6:30 am

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