
2013-02-18 6:49 am
1. The focus is on providing useful information that supportings the day-to-day and strategiv decisions of management.This makes the highly aggregated sets of financial information presented at periodic intervals in annual reports to external stakeholders inappropriate.

2. Just as your customers are becoming interested in foreign brands, the resistance of overseas customers to your brand of soup noodles is likely to be replaced with receptiveness.


回答 (7)

2013-02-18 9:08 am
✔ 最佳答案


2013-02-18 02:05:39 補充:
correction: change "長遠應對策略" to "長遠經營策略".

2013-02-19 01:44:14 補充:

上半句話的意思是, 你的一些本地客戶已開始逐漸接受外國品牌。(他們最初可能抗拒外國品牌)。

下半句指出,出於同樣的原因,海外客戶最初也抗拒 "外國品牌"包括您的品牌),但很有可能會逐漸變為接受他們。

從市場營銷的角度看,上半句指出 "外國品牌" 對 "您的品牌" 在本地市場的 "威脅 (Threat), 導致你失去客戶,下半句指出您的品牌在國際市場上的“機會”(Opportunity), 導致你獲得新客戶。

所以, 第二句的上下半句是前呼後應的。

2013-02-19 09:04:17 補充:
參考: my past learning
2013-02-20 8:54 am
1. 重點在於提供關於維持管理上的日常性和策略性決定的有用資料。因此那些供定期對外公布的每年高度集結成章的財務資料報告並不合適包括在此。

2. 當你的客戶對各種外國品牌漸感興趣,外國的客戶對你這品牌的湯麵的抗拒亦很有可能變為接受。
參考: google
2013-02-18 11:33 pm

2013-02-18 10:55 pm
1. The focus is on providing useful information that supports the day-to-day and strategic decisions of management. This makes the highly aggregated sets of financial information presented at periodic intervals in annual reports to external stakeholders inappropriate.

2. Just as your customers are becoming interested in foreign brands, the resistance of overseas customers to your brand of soup noodles is likely to be replaced with receptiveness. 第1段中supportings和strategiv似乎是用/串錯字了。 1. (這文件的)重點在於提供關於維持管理上的日常性和策略性決定的有用資料。因此那些供定期對外公布的每年高度集結成章的財務資料報告並不合適包括在此。 2. 當你的客戶對各種外國品牌漸感興趣,外國的客戶對你這品牌的湯麵的抗拒亦很有可能變為接受。
2013-02-18 2:52 pm
No offence, 純個人意見
strategic 是解策略上, 譯戰略上多少感覺軍事
在 management 和 economics上, aggregated = 匯總, 不是聚集
periodic interval 不是週期間隔, periodic intercval = 每隔一定時期
receptiveness 在這裡是解接纳, 接受, 不是反應
resistsance 在 business 上譯抗拒比較貼切些
回答者:003 翻譯得相當好
2013-02-18 7:31 am
1. The focus is on providing useful information that supportings the day-to-day and strategiv decisions of management.This makes the highly aggregated sets of financial information presented at periodic intervals in annual reports to external stakeholders inappropriate.

2. Just as your customers are becoming interested in foreign brands, the resistance of overseas customers to your brand of soup noodles is likely to be replaced with receptiveness.


2013-02-17 23:35:41 補充:
2013-02-18 7:28 am

參考: By 墮落凡間的惡魔

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