
2013-02-18 12:08 am
Assay黎... 大約400字左右, 好快改完姐 幫幫手 好人有好報 20分

Short essay compare Japanese and Hong Kong culture
Japanese and Hong Kong culture, they both have many awesome features. In Japan some cities like Hong Kong, there are full of tourists so people in that place will feel busy and hard. Although these two places are similarity, the people quality and manners are extremely differences. However, someone believes that Japan culture is better than Hong Kong. In my view, I would agree with this statement. There are three following reasons to show this and will be discussed: Environment, Manner, People states.
Firstly, Japan’s environment is much cleaner than Hong Kong’s environment. In Japan, the recycling of rubbish is valued by the government. Besides, the Japanese peoples have great conscious of environmental protection such as Monday and Thursday are combustible rubbish day. On the other hands, we can see Hong Kong recycling of rubbish system is really worse and the resident do not divide rubbish into recycling. Thus, Japan’s environment is cleaner than Hong Kong’s environment and the personal conscious of environmental protection is also better than Hong Kong peoples.
Secondly, Japanese people’s manner is better than Hong Kong people. In Japan culture, if people meet someone, who will greet with a slight nod of his head. On the other sample, when someone help you open the door, Hong Kong people would don’t care and then go straight on, but Japanese peoples they will say thank for your help. Therefore, Japanese cultures which make people obtain a higher manner and that is a reason why Japanese cultures are better than Hong Kong manner.

Thirdly, Japanese people states normally better than Hong Kong Peoples. In a busy city, peoples popularly appear stress and anxieties. However, many Hong Kong peoples they don’t know how to release the pressure that may cause mental problem such as depression.


Instead, Japanese people they often take part in many different activities such as hold a party and playing sports to regulate their personal states. So, Japanese Culture is better than Hong Kong which can let us learn the importance of enjoy life and how to regulate our life better.


In conclusion, Japanese culture is better than Hong Kong. We can see Japan’s environment is much cleaner than Hong Kong’s environment. Also, Japanese people’s manner is worthy for our learning and they are really polite than Hong Kong peoples.


Besides, Japanese peoples regulate their life through the methods and attitude is normally better than Hong Kong peoples. In fact, the culture may change a person behavior so we need to learn the different of culture. 完了 謝謝


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回答 (2)

2013-02-18 5:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
The cultures of both Hong Kong and Japan are awesome. In fact, some cites in Japan are like Hong Kong; lots of tourists walking around and it is busy all the time. Although these two places have similarities, the quality and manner of the people in these two places are extremely different. Some people even believe that the Japanese culture is much better the the Hong Kong one. In my view, I do agree with them. The following factors show why I agree with them.

First of all, we have to admit that the environment of Japan is cleaner than Hong Kong. The conscious of environmental protection of the Japanese is much stronger than the Hong Kong people. If the japanese cannot find the bins, they just carry their wastes until they find one. That's why their streets are still very clean even without the penalties. The Japanese government also supports recycling of rubbish and it collects the recyclable and unrecyclable rubbish on the separate days in the week. The Japanese citizens just need to separate the recyclable and unrecyclable wastes for the government; in order to recycle the wastes more efficiently. By contrast, the system of recycling wastes in Hong Kong is really bad and most of citizens do not separate the recyclable and unrecyclable ones but just throw them away.

The other thing which I am talking about is the manner of the people. The Japanese are much more polite than the Hong Kong people. In the Japanese culture, when people meet someone, they would nod to each other. Moreover, when you hold the door for the Japanese, they would be thankful and say thank you to you; whilst some Hong Kong people just do not care and pass through it. Therefore, I believe that the manner of most Japanese is better than many Hong Kong people.

2013-02-17 21:27:24 補充:
The factors above show that the Japanese culture is better than the Hong Kong one. Not only having a cleaner environment but also a better manner of the people, which most Hong Kong people should learn a lot from them.

2013-02-17 21:37:38 補充:
(continue) By contrast, the Japanese often take part in different activities such as organising a party and involving in sports so as to keep them relaxed. The Japanese culture shows the importance of enjoying life and it shows a better way to maintain your mood.

2013-02-17 21:38:05 補充:
(last paragraph) The factors above show that the Japanese culture is better than the Hong Kong one. Not only having a cleaner environment but also a better manner of the people, which most Hong Kong people should learn a lot from them.
參考: Furthermore, the mentality of the Japanese is better than the Hong Kong people. In a busy city, most people appear to be stressed and anxious. Many Hong Kong people do not konw how to release their pressure which causes mental problems such as depression.
2013-02-18 11:56 pm
Sorry As I Don't Understanding English Anymore
參考: An English Identity Out UN--2035
2013-02-18 7:26 pm
Short essay being written to compare between Japanese and Hong Kong cultures
Both of Japanese and Hong Kong cultures have many awesome features. In Japan some cities like Hong Kong, there are full of tourists; so that people living in that places will feel nervous and uneasy. Although these two places are similar, and the people's customs and manners are extremely different. However, someone said that Japanese culture was better than that of Hong Kong. In my opinion, I agree with this statement. Because there are three reasons to be : Environment, Manner, and health condition.
Firstly, Japan’s environment is much cleaner than Hong Kong’s. In Japan, the recycling of rubbish is taken charge by the government. Besides, the Japanese have great concern with environmental protection such as Monday and Thursday are combustible rubbish day. Besides, we can see Hong Kong's recycling system of rubbish being really worse and people do not apply that system. Thus, Japan’s environment is cleaner than that of Hong Kong and the e concern of environmental protection is also better than that of Hong Kong .
Secondly, Japanese manner is better than that of Hong Kong. In Japanese culture, if people meet someone,then they will bow to each other or one another. In case, when someone help you open the door, Hong Kong's people don’t care and then go straight ahead, but Japanese will say thank you. Therefore, Japanese have a better manner than that of Hong Kong. Thirdly, Japanese health condition normally better than that of Hong Kong. In a busy city, people usually appear stress and anxious. However, many Hong Kong people don’t know how to release the pressure that may cause mental problem such as depression.
Instead, Japanese people often take part in many different activities such as give a party or play sports so as to regulate eir health condition. So, Japanese Culture is better than that of Hong Kong and that can let people learn how to enjoy life and to regulate health condition.

參考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation by Oxford University Press in 1975

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