is beyonce apart of the illuminati?

2013-02-16 11:43 pm
okay so there have been rumours around about how she is and i just wanted to know as i love her deeply and is a real inspiration & no matter hor many people say she is i still will love her and her music but would just be a shame if she is as shes always come across to me as very religious and christain e.t.c.
no silly comments please!
thankyou xxx

回答 (3)

2013-02-16 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Um if you yourself say you dont care if she is then what the hell does the answer to this question matter? How will this affect your real day to day life if she is or isnt?

Also, there is absolutely no proof or set of facts on the internet that would tell if she is or not. No one here knows for sure if some crap like that is true, and if it were obvious, then even the mainstream media would have to report it.

Illuminati probably existed at one point but im pretty sure the shadowy organization everyone fears so much, probably changed its name in secret to some other crap in order to leave people chasing a phantom. If such a group exists then all the people we sit here and fear in politics, entertainment, news, etc are most likely just decoys. We dont even KNOW the names of the real SOB's that are "running the show" and we dont even know if anything like that does exist.

We probably wont know because of all the mainstream sheeple who dissuade anyone who asks questions and call them "Crazy conspiracy nuts". Usually the elderly bastards who grew up not knowing too much other than the fact that they love "Amurrica!". But I digress. Im just saying, no one will be able to prove their answer to this, so unless you plan to do your own research to find your own answers, dont bother asking.

Now go ahead and give some idiot the "best answer" just because he told you what you wanted to hear rather than what you needed to hear.
2016-11-05 3:35 pm
Is Beyonce Apart Of Illuminati
2013-02-16 11:45 pm
No. Your dad is

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