急, 求中文譯英文!!!

2013-02-16 9:08 pm
麻煩大家可幫我中譯英嗎, 謝謝.

現上傳一份文件, 請查閱.
我們將會出席有關聚會, 但是你們可增加多一個位子嗎? 另外, 我們也會提供9副眼鏡給你們LUCKY DRAW, 謝謝.

回答 (7)

2013-02-16 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
現上傳一份文件, 請查閱.
我們將會出席有關聚會, 但是你們可增加多一個位子嗎? 另外, 我們也會提供9副眼鏡給你們LUCKY DRAW, 謝謝.

Now upload a file, please refer to.
We will be present at the gathering, but you can increase one more seat? Addition, we will provide nine glasses give you a lucky draw chance, thank you.
2013-03-03 5:36 am
English: Upload a document, see.We are going to attend the party, but you can increase the number one seat? In addition, we also provide 9 pair of glasses for you LUCKY DRAW, thank you.
2013-02-21 5:21 pm
Please study the attached document.

We will attend the meeting, please reserve seats for us. We will also bring along 9 pairs of glasses for a surprise luck draw. Thanks.
2013-02-19 4:24 am
Now uploading a file, please refer to it .
We will attend the gathering, but could you increase one more seat? Besides, we
will also provide nine spectacles for your lucky draw , thank you.

是否少了一個的字? "給你們的LUCKY DRAW"

2013-02-18 20:27:32 補充:
Now uploading a file, please refer to it .
We will attend the gathering, but could you increase one more seat? Besides, we
will also provide nine pairs of spectacles for your lucky draw , thank you.
2013-02-16 9:29 pm
Now upload a file, please refer to.
We will attend the gathering, but you can increase one more seat? Addition, we will also give you lucky draw of 9 glasses, thank you.
參考: me
2013-02-16 9:19 pm
Now upload a file, please refer to.
We will attend the gathering, but you can increase one more seat? Addition, we will also give you LUCKY DRAW 9 glasses, thank you.
參考: google
2013-02-16 9:15 pm
現上傳一份文件, 請查閱.
我們將會出席有關聚會, 但是你們可增加多一個位子嗎? 另外, 我們也會提供9副眼鏡給你們LUCKY DRAW, 謝謝.

Please refer to the upload a file,.We will attend the party, but you can add a seat? In addition, we also provide 9 pair of glasses to give you LUCKY DRAW, thank you.

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