charlie and the great glass...

2013-02-15 10:29 pm
charlie and the great glass elevator 中文內容

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2013-02-15 11:09 pm
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2013-02-16 7:56 pm

查理的祖父母 - 喬治和喬治娜他母親的身邊,和約瑟芬在他父親的爺爺喬是已經與查理的大玻璃電梯 - 是擔心自己的旅行電梯內,和20年在床後,拒絕向起床了。因此,該床推入電梯,然後起飛。在回程的工廠在一個關鍵的時刻,一個驚慌失措的的喬治娜抓住了旺卡距控制和股其乘員在地球軌道上的電梯。電梯環繞地球,直到旺卡看到了機會,將它連接到新推出的太空酒店,美國政府的一家民營企業。美國蘭斯洛特R. Gilligrass和他的內閣,總統在白宮看到這個神秘物體碼頭與太空酒店,並認為它包含了外國政府或外星敵對代理。接近酒店的工作人員和三名宇航員的航天飛機留下的神秘對象,因為他們爭奪太空酒店,航天飛機的機組人員準備最壞的打算。在酒店,旺卡和其他人聽到,總統解決這些橫跨一個無線鏈路火星,旺卡所得,逗Gilligrass無意義的單詞和奇形怪狀的詩。但在這中間,酒店的電梯打開,露出五個巨大的,棕綠色,去骨的動物眼睛像雞蛋形的東西。他們改變形狀,每形成一個字母的單詞SCRAM,和旺卡運動每個人都得到了迅速太空酒店。

The book continues directly from the events of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Willy Wonka has just given Charlie ownership of his factory, and in a flying contraption known as the Great Glass Elevator they crash through the roof of Charlie's house and inform his family of the good news.

Charlie's grandparents -- George and Georgina on his mother's side, and Josephine on his father's (Grandpa Joe is already with Charlie in the Great Glass Elevator) -- are nervous about going inside the travelling elevator, and after twenty years in bed, refuse to get up. The bed is thus pushed into the elevator, which then takes off. At a critical moment during the return trip to the factory, a panicking Georgina grabs Wonka away from the controls and strands the elevator with its occupants in Earth's orbit. The elevator circles the planet until Wonka sees the chance to link it with the newly-launched Space Hotel, a private enterprise of the United States government.

In the White House, President of the United States Lancelot R. Gilligrass and his Cabinet see this mysterious object dock with the Space Hotel and think it contains hostile agents of a foreign or extraterrestrial government. The approaching space shuttle containing the hotel staff and three astronauts is being left behind by the mysterious object as they race for the Space Hotel, and the shuttle's crew prepares for the worst. On the Hotel, Wonka and the others hear the President address the
參考: me own storybook
2013-02-16 7:37 pm
charlie and the great glass...
charlie and the great glass elevator 中文內容

Plot summary
The book continues directly from the events of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Willy Wonka has just given Charlie ownership of his factory, and in a flying contraption known as the Great Glass Elevator they crash through the roof of Charlie's house and inform his family of the good news.

Charlie's grandparents -- George and Georgina on his mother's side, and Josephine on his father's (Grandpa Joe is already with Charlie in the Great Glass Elevator) -- are nervous about going inside the travelling elevator, and after twenty years in bed, refuse to get up. The bed is thus pushed into the elevator, which then takes off. At a critical moment during the return trip to the factory, a panicking Georgina grabs Wonka away from the controls and strands the elevator with its occupants in Earth's orbit. The elevator circles the planet until Wonka sees the chance to link it with the newly-launched Space Hotel, a private enterprise of the United States government.

In the White House, President of the United States Lancelot R. Gilligrass and his Cabinet see this mysterious object dock with the Space Hotel and think it contains hostile agents of a foreign or extraterrestrial government. The approaching space shuttle containing the hotel staff and three astronauts is being left behind by the mysterious object as they race for the Space Hotel, and the shuttle's crew prepares for the worst. On the Hotel, Wonka and the others hear the President address them across a radio link as Martians, and Wonka proceeds to tease Gilligrass with nonsense words and grotesque poetry. But in the midst of this, the hotel's elevators open, revealing five gigantic, brown-green, boneless creatures shaped something like eggs with eyes. They change shape, each forming a letter of the word SCRAM, and Wonka motions everybody to get out of the Space Hotel quickly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:17:37
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