i'm Pisces sun Aquarius rising Pisces moon what can you tell me about that?

2013-02-14 7:41 pm
my numerology number is 9 if that makes a differences lol

回答 (3)

2013-02-14 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pisces Sun means that you have a compassionate nature and are a caring individual. You are probably psychic as you can actually 'feel' what another is feeling and this is why people come to you when they are suffering.

This is intensified by your Pisces Moon which again heightens compassion for others and your psychic ability. You are kind-hearted and emotional.

Aquarius Rising is how people first see you so you may be seen as a little eccentric though friendly. Your appearance is your 'own' as you aren't into following what others do and trying to 'fit in' with them. You have your own outgoing personality and I imagine you have never met a stranger. You are communicative with others and enjoy exchanging ideas of all kinds with others.

After they know you better they begin to see that strong Pisces Energy within you.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-11-15 10:25 am
Pisces With Aquarius Rising
2016-03-10 9:54 am
As far as your personality is concerned, the very best people to tell you are those who KNOW you best; family and VERY close friends. Don’t trust the nonsense of astrology to tell you, because astrologers know nothing at all. They just try to patronise you with wordy clap-trap and try to take your money.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:35:30
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