What do you look for in love? <3?

2013-02-14 6:51 pm
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回答 (325)

2013-02-15 4:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
In love I look for someone who is going to except me for who I am not for just my strengths but weaknesses as well, someone who isnt just going to stand there and let me act a fool on my own but act a fool with me,someone who is always going to be there for holding my hand no matter the circumstances, someone who doesnt just put thereself forward alone but invites me with them every step of the way.

love is something created between two people who have the courage and strength to stand beside one another through the best and the worst.
參考: my input
2013-02-14 11:15 pm
1. Someone Who Is Very Kind BUT Isn't Afraid To Stand Up For Themselves

2. Someone Who Accepts People For Who They Are And Loves Me For Who I Am

3. Someone Intelligent

4. Someone Funny

5. Someone Cute (Not A Big Deal. But It Never Hurts)

6. Someone Who Loves Animals
2013-02-14 8:59 pm
1. Intellegience
2. funny
3. Respectful
4. understanding
5. caring
6. Passion
7. Attraction
8. Beauty in the inside no matter how you look on the outside.
9. Sex lots of sex
10. Romantic
11. Loving
12. Honesty
13. Someone who treats me nice
14. Someone that you can talk to.
2013-02-15 3:03 pm
I look for the Counter-part to my soul's full extent, the part that will keep my soul as one and to never fall apart. The girl has to be able to understand that it does not matter much on the past but now here in the present, for I have had a hard time growing up. The top five traits that I would like in a girl are,

1. Nonjudgmental
2. Dedication(with out dedication there really isn't nothing)
3. Integrity
4. Trustworthy(because that is one of the major things in a relationship)
5. To be her self.(that is the only way to understand somebody is by being their self)
2013-03-06 5:44 pm
The perfect, special, rare kiss
The hugs that you never want to leave
The warm hand holding
The making someone feel special
The romance
The heart
The care
The meaning
The forgiveness
The true love
The being able to share anything
The thinking of each other
The long talks on the phone
The making everything seem like a dream
The amount of amazing dates
The dream relationships
The perfect couple
The geleusy
The amoun of care
The funny chats
The series chats
The nice and sweet chats
2013-02-18 12:09 am
2013-02-15 7:45 am
In love I look for respect and a fun attitude,someone who can have fun without being too worried about what people are saying around about them.
It's not necessarily the amount of time they spend with me or doing things for me,but the quality of what they do with me.
Love is when we do things for each other without even being asked,the ability to listen and to understand why we would like things done a certain way. Maybe it's the way the silverware is put all together while it's in the drain or closing the curtains to the windows before it gets dark so that we don't have to worry about people looking in the bright room at night.
It's about not arguing when you're wrong and the ability to admit you made a mistake without worrying about being yelled at or getting the dreaded "I told you so!"
2013-02-15 3:48 am
Well there are several qualities that I value and want in a partner but those are usually the kinda things that take time for you to notice. So the first thing I look for is someone that I enjoy talking to. Communication matters a lot to me. I have to be able to talk with someone and feel like there's a flow, like we're on the same wavelength and have lots to talk about. If we keep getting stuck then I definitely wouldn't be attracted to the person.

Besides that, I look for loyalty. He has to be someone that can commit to me, someone who'd be faithful and trustworthy. Openness is important to me as well. He has to be able to be communicate honestly and openly with me. This is vital because I don't want to be with someone who'd disappear when we have issues or refuse to tell me why he's unhappy with me. If I don't know what's going on in his mind, I can't fix anything or help.

Another thing I look for is someone who has the same idea of a relationship as I do. There are many different types of relationships and I need to know he thinks relationships should be exclusive and monogamous because I don't want any misunderstandings later on. There are more things I look for but those are the main ones off the top of my head.
2013-02-15 3:18 am
I usually look for people with all of my favorite virtues:

1. Generosity
2. Ambition
3. Compassion
4. Wisdom
5. Intelligence
6. Courage
2013-02-15 2:04 am
Someone who is:
1. Responsible.
2. Honest.
3. Loyal.
4. Able to communicate clearly.
5. In control of one’s self.
6. Has the same beliefs and morals.
7. Non judgmental but will point out something that is wrong in a helpful way.
8. Able to keep a sense of humor and level head in crazy hard times.
9. Never gives up when things don’t go as planned.
10. Good at listening.
2013-02-27 6:14 am

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