Math Questions [Combination ]

2013-02-14 8:46 am
Please to help me to slove the following questions

1. 5 balls of different cloours are put into boxes A, B, C, and D. Find the
number of possible arrangements if there are no restrictions on the number
of balls in each box.

2. A train consists of 8 coaches. Find the number of ways that two passengers
enter different coaches.

3. A building has 4 entries. In how many ways can two residents go in the
building with different entries?

4. 4 cou;les attend a party. Find the number of ways to fome 4 pairs of
different sex for dancing if
(a) there are no restrictions
(b) two men do not have their wives as their partners

5. There are 10 distinct points on a corrdinate plane. If no three points are
collinear, find the number of lines that can be drawn by joining these points.

6. There are 8 teachers. May is one of them. A group of 4 teachers is
selected to attend a seminar. In how many ways can the group be formed
if May is included?

回答 (2)

2013-02-14 1:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) The 1st ball, you can put into any of the 4 boxes, so there are 4 ways. The 2nd ball, you can put into any of the 4 boxes again since there is no restrictions, similar for the 3rd, 4th and 5th ball, so the number of possible arrangement is 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4

2) The 1st passenger can enter any of the 8 coaches, so there are 8 ways. The 2nd passenger cannot enter the same coach, so he has only 7 ways. So the answer is 8 x 7

3) Same reasoning as 2) so the answer is 4 x 3

4a) The 1st woman can choose any men, so she has 4 choices. The 2nd woman has only 3 and so forth, so the answer is 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
4b) This is a bit tricky. Think of it like this. There is only 1 way for everyone to have his wife as partner. If this is not the case, then two will not have their wives as partner because there cannot be only one does not have his wife. So the answer is (4 x 3 x 2 x 1) - 1

5) Since no 3 points are collinear, so any 2 points will form a line, so the answer is just C(10, 2) = (10 x 9)/2

6) May is always in the group, so the answer is pick 3 teacher from the 7 remaining teachers. So the answer is C(7,3) = (7 x 6 x 5)/3!
2013-02-16 7:38 am
The answer of 4(b) should be 1.
Only 1 way : 2 couples as partners, and the other 2 couples change their partners.

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