
2013-02-14 10:10 pm
How long should I wait to respond to his text message? Can I friend him on Facebook? Why did he ask for my number but never call me?

When The Rules was published in 1995, its message was straightforward: be mysterious. But for women looking for love today, it's not quite so simple. In a world of instant messaging, location check-ins, and status updates, where hook-ups have become the norm and formal one-on-one dates seem a thing of the past, it's difficult to retain the air of mystery that keeps men interested.

Now, with help from their daughters, the original Rules Girls Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider share their thoroughly modern, fresh take on dating that will help women in today's information age create the happy love lives they want and deserve. Whether you're a 20-something dating for the first time, a 30-something tired of being single, a 40-something giving advice to your daughter, or a 50-something getting back in the dating game, this book has the answers you've been waiting for. The Rules include:

Stay Away from his Facebook Profile
Make Yourself Invisible and Other Ways to Get Out of Instant Messaging
Stop Dating a Guy Who Cancels More than Once
Text-Back Times Chart
Don't Just Hang Out or See Him 24/7
TTYL: Always End Everything First-- Get Out of There!
And much, much more!

Providing the dos and don'ts you need to stop making mistakes and start finding romance, NOT YOUR MOTHER'S RULES will revolutionize dating today just as The Rules did nearly 20 years ago!

回答 (2)

2013-02-15 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: jim
2013-02-14 10:13 pm
響應他的短信,我應該等待多長時間?我可以在Facebook上的朋友他嗎?他為什麼要問我的電話號碼,但從來沒有給我打電話?“規則”於1995年出版,它的消息很簡單:是神秘的。但對於女性尋找愛情,它不是那麼簡單。在即時消息,位置簽入狀態更新,在那裡掛鉤,UPS已經成為了規範和正式的世界1--1日期似乎在過去的事情,它是很難留住的空氣的神秘感,保持男性感興趣。現在,他們的女兒的幫助下,原來的規則女孩埃倫·費恩和雪莉施耐德分享他們徹底的現代化,新鮮的約會,這將有助於婦女在當今的信息時代創造美好的愛情生活,他們希望,值得。無論你是一個20出頭的第一次約會,30厭倦了單身的東西,一個40多歲的提供意見,以你的女兒,一個50多歲的在約會遊戲,這本書裡有答案你一直在等待。這些規則包括:遠離他的Facebook個人資料,使自己無形的和其他方式獲得即時消息停止約會的傢伙是誰取消,一旦回文本時報走勢,不要只是掛出或看到他24/7 TTYL:永遠結束一切-離開這裡! ,更提供該做什麼和不該做什麼,你必須停止犯錯,並開始尋找浪漫,不是你媽的規則將徹底改變約會今天的規則做了近20幾年前!
參考: 我家電腦的程式翻譯

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