guess which house her moon is in? :)?

"i don't wanna spend a lot of time with my dad (who lives half-way across the country) when he comes here for visits, because i'll start missing him more than already do."

sounds crazy i know, but anyway.....

so which house is her moon in do you think?

回答 (3)

2013-02-13 8:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I love sounding crazy questions! I'm not into 'boring' at all.

Well the Moon represents our mother in our chart so her Moon might actually be in the 4th House if she lives with her mother.

And since her dad is far away and Saturn (and the Sun too) represents the father I am thinking that he might be a Capricorn and/or Saturn is in the 9th House of Travel or it could be in the 12th House of Secrets and things that hurt us in one way or another.

There could be a Sun square Saturn in her chart

But her Moon sounds like a Cancer Moon because the loss of a loved one brings them pain. So I guess I'm sticking with her Moon in the 4th House. Or any of the emotional water houses of 4th, 8th, and 12th House.

Hope I am close and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-02-14 2:51 am
2013-02-14 4:59 am
Maybe Scorpio. There's something sadistic and emotionally manipulative (I don't mean that in the pejorative sense) about denying oneself a very natural connection to avoid the "consequences" later. Scorpio Moons feel very deeply and if they've been hurt, they are slow to warm up. They have to learn to trust and it sounds like this girl doesn't want to feel those very full feelings of love only to have them taken away (of course they won't be taken away ... but she fears they will). Scorpio Moons can equate love with survival ... and it can be hard for them to gain perspective. If she were thinking logically (which really isn't what the Moon is about) perhaps she'd understand the value of spending as much time as possible with someone you love - and trust that those feelings won't disappear with geographical distance (unless her dad is some kind of deadbeat, I don't know).

Scorpio is connected with the 8th house ... so it's possible her Moon - in whatever sign - is located there. But no sign or house has a monopoly on sensitivity and the pain (derived from the imagination or evidence) of feeling abandoned. It's pretty universal though interesting to think about the astrological symbolism. Take care.

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