Ok, what was that? I guess I don't know you huh?

2013-02-13 4:05 pm
I made the mistake of moving to an even more racist place, than what I left trying to make a fresh start with my kids. Here, I don't see many black people, but in San Marcos, Texas, there is so many hispanic and few white. I lucked out and made friends with such a she sweet white woman who is also a single mother. I told her once I got to know her that all I date is every other race but my own. She was okay with that because she said the same. So once I meet her brother( which happens to be so attractive, single, and very Intelligent a perfect 10), I tried to find out about him on the sly just checking his situation out. No intent to hook -up. She saw right through me and was so quick to tell me " Oh, he doesn't date black girls!" It was one of those moments when u want to say, what the **** was that all about? She matched the rest of this town, ok saying that. Doesn't that sound like I'm not good enough or am I high? Could I be friends with someone whose cool in every way( even being such a loving second mother to my kids), but feel and say such BS?

回答 (1)

2013-02-13 4:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ok calm down, she was being a good friend she didn't want you to ask him out and for him to say it to you i know you didn't want to date him but she thought you did. just because her brothers ignorant doesn't mean you should punish her.

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