If a virgo can't do it?

2013-02-13 2:51 pm
If a virgo cannot move on further with you in terms of relationship, is it better to initiate or to wait for them to make up their mind?

回答 (3)

2013-02-15 6:55 am
Virgos aren't procrastinators as that would be Pisces sitting right across the wheel of the zodiac. And most Virgos are busy people so you could unfortunately be waiting for a long time!

I would suggest that if you do anything it would be best to find out from your Virgo just exactly what it is you are doing that is causing them to refuse to 'move on further' in your relationship.

Virgos are into 'details' so it could be something very small or simple to change in order for the relationship to continue, which is what you want. And if you find out that Virgo wants more than you desire to 'change' then you just have to let the relationship 'go.' Sometimes that is what is best for us. Letting go. It isn't easy but it is part of life.

So you have to find out WHY Virgo is hesitant to move forward and so you must ASK your Virgo what is wrong. The truth might hurt but the word 'hurt' is IN the word 'truth.' And at least we can 'work' with the truth even if it does hurt.

But do know that Virgo can be critical and often have illusions that they will find someone that is perfect but nobody is perfect and Virgo will eventually figure this out. Virgos are often very perfection-oriented people with a detailed 'list' of what they desire in their mate but 'that person' they are seeking doesn't even exist.

When one door closes another door always opens. And it is always better to find out 'earlier' that someone isn't meant for you than finding out 'later.' When things don't work out it is because you haven't found your mate yet. So look at this positively because we often stay with a person much longer than we should because in our heart we KNOW that isn't the person for us. Timing is everything.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-02-16 8:28 am
You should probably wait for them to initiate. They're probably calculating things in their brain and analyzing your relationship. Once they're clear about what they have to do and have completely made up their mind everything would fall in place :)
2013-02-15 7:54 am
I suspect that you were disappointed in whatever he didn't do for Valentine's Day. Don't let a Hallmark holiday decide your relationship. Give it a few days then reevaluate the situation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:39:24
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