
2013-02-14 12:38 am

回答 (3)

2013-02-14 1:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
英文︰Firstly, whenever you eat, you must finish your food.

第二。去郊野公園時stop using disposable products
英文︰Secondly, when going to country parks, do not use disposable products.

每當這個字確切的說幾乎就只有whenever. every time是每次
但when, while, at any time, always等等的字也可以用在規則阿建議阿上面, 出來的意思也差不多, 像是︰Always finish your food 經常吃完食物

而後面作文方面,我覺得還是自己作比較好哦^^ 但我可以給你一些指示
題目是letter(書信)而且要你give suggestion, 也就是叫你給Tom如何實踐環保的建議, 因此, 你可以先寫信的格式, 以informal writing來說就是︰

Dear Tom,

第一段︰先來幾句引文, 如果是回信的話就...
Thank you for your letter/I'm glad to receive your letter.....Here are some of my suggestions:

第二段︰正文, 就是給建議的部分, 可以寫上面的第一,第二, 再多加幾個實踐環保的方法, 給你幾個例子~(下面的字可以自己變動哦)
Thirdly, you should... (建議3, 你應該...)
Moreover, if... (還有, 如果...)
Last but not least, remember to... (最後, 要記得...)

第三段︰結尾總結的部分, 可以...
These are my suggestions, I hope you can find them useful/I hope these help!

Best Wishes,

其實跟中文差不多啦!! 希望這能幫助到你~:)
參考: 我自己
2013-02-23 1:09 am
First, when you are eating, you must eat/ finish all your food.
Second, when you go to the country park, stop using disposable products.

2013-02-22 17:16:46 補充:

Dear Tom,
XXXXX I am so glad to...
Your sincerely/ Best Wishes
...your name...

2013-02-22 17:16:51 補充:
Recycle, reduce... e.g. plastic bags, glasses, don't waste paper

Good words:
連接詞, Lastly, I want to remind you/ you must remember to.../ However/ save, rescue the earth/ use similes/

Hope I can help you!
2013-02-14 12:43 am
First, every time you eat, must eat the food on hand.Second and third

2013-02-13 20:54:22 補充:
解釋:Second. Go to the Country Parks

參考: me, me

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