physics 吾識 !!! 急 !!! help!!!

2013-02-13 11:20 am
1. A waterfall is 100 m high and the temperature of water at the top isn12°C .Assume that all kinetic energy of water reaching the bottom is changed into internal energy. Find the temperature of water at the bottom of the waterfall. Give the specific heat capacity of water is 4200 kg^(-1)°C^(-1).

help !!!!!!!!!
Thx a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2013-02-13 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
water 's potential energy will be turn in to kinetic energy, then turn to internal energy (raise in temperature)

let gravity = 10 m/s^-2 (since the question didn't provide)

potential energy (PE)= mgh

for each 1kg of water, the PE would be 1 x 10 x 100m
= 1000J

PE => KE => Internal Energy

Assuming no energy loss during the process,

Specific Heat Capacity:
q=mC (delta) T
C stands for specific heat capacity (J/kg ºC)
q is quantity of heat in joules
m = mass
delta T= change is temp

(delta)T = q / mC
= 1000J /4200 kg^(-1)°C^(-1)
= 0.2381°C

Temperature of water = (12 + 0.2381)°C = 12.2381°C
2013-02-13 8:36 pm
Potential energy of 1 kg water on top of waterfall
= 1g x 100 J = 1000 J
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, taken to be 10 m/s^2

Hence, kinetic energy of water reaching the bottom of the waterfall
= 1000 J

Rise in temperature = 1000/4200 'C = 0.238'C
Temperature of water = (12 + 0.238)'C = 12.24'C

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