Why is it that the USA, the only country to have actually used Atomic / Nuclear Weapon technology...?

2013-02-12 1:01 pm
...in a Military capacity (twice), refuses to sanction or allow such technology's availability to other countries? Does anyone else see this as the USA's ultimate hypocrisy? To the point where the USA has invaded other countries on a "hunch", despite UN resolutions denying the legitimacy of these actions. Why is it that America may have this technology, but not others?

For those that gave me a legitimate response (even if I don't agree with it), thank you! For those that opted for the "Clueless" response, but gave no actual "Answer" to the question, you may wish to look it up in the dictionary and look in the mirror at the same time, so that you have correct context when using the phrase. Maj Kev If you really think that "The US is the ONLY country that understands what it means to use nuclear weapons", all you do is prove my point and highlight the hypocrisy to which I refer. Thank you for that. Wine Wine you dirty skunk - The terms "Once again" and "You keep throwing that out there" refer to previous submissions. I have not made any previous submissions anywhere or on this blog, Perhaps "You might want to know wtf you are talking about before running your ball washer."


You will look less stupid that way.


Howard - Agreed that the terms UN and legitimacy are on shaky ground together, but they are the International resolution provider, created (think League of Nations also) promoted and sanctioned by the USA to keep world peace I think many of you have missed my point. Believe me, I don't want crazy countries like North Korea / Iran to have these type of weapons (and yes, throwing the Hiroshima and Nagasaki usage was a fairly low blow on my part), but how do you justify the double standard? The "we can have it, but you can't" argument doesn't hold. North Korea could use the similar, justifiable arguments that the US use - protection / defence against an opposing ideology, potentially justified by the fact that they are smaller and need this technology as a deterrent to more powerful enemies. Do you get the point I'm trying to make?

回答 (11)

2013-02-12 1:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's not only the America that doesn't want other countries to have the nuclear weapons. All the countries that have them do not want unfriendly countries to have them. I assure you, if US decided to arm Hungary, Russia (that's building a nuclear reactor in Iran) would scream holy terror. As for why nobody in their right mind want Iran to have a nuclear weapon, I got two words for you: mullahs, Ahmadinejad. You don't give a fork to a retarded kid, you don't give a nuclear weapon to violent religious supremacists.
2013-02-12 1:06 pm
The words UN and legitimacy should never be used in the same sentence.
2013-02-12 1:05 pm
Because we are a super power country and we are what as to be known as one of the peacemakers in the world it's a big deal really it means don't **** with us or our allies or we will **** u up
2013-02-12 2:17 pm
Once again..what UN resolutions?

You keep throwing that out there. Which ones are you referring to?

There were 22 UN Resolutions at the end of Desert Storm that authorized the continued use of military force IF Hussein failed to comply with the resolutions.

He failed to comply with 19 of them. Therefore military action was completely "authorized" according to the UN

Are those the resolutions of which you speak?

You might want to know wtf you are talking about before running your ball washer. You will look less stupid that way.
2013-02-12 1:09 pm
Your Very clueless.....
2013-02-12 3:57 pm
How is it 'hypocrisy"?

The US is the only country that understands what it means to use nuclear weapons, and what it means to both the user and the receiver.

The US believes that no country with unstable governments / societies are prepared for that responsibility.
2013-02-12 1:15 pm
If you witnessed the devastation of the human population in the area, it would not matter. hypocrisy would be the last thing to be considered. Its the right thing to do as humans. Could you see the evening news, "another part of the world was leveled today...." There is no place for evil in this world to justify the killing of Innocent people. America has its faults but over all were on the right side. Have a great day everybody !
2013-02-12 1:05 pm
Easy Pal we are Americans and they are not live with it cowboy
One of the reasons we had to use them is our ''allies'' released their troops after OUR victory in europe and our were held in place for the coming invasion of Japan ''good luck on you invasion if you need any help sure hope you found it''
President Reagan said it best ''America does not have allies more like cooperative prostitutes''
2013-02-12 3:47 pm
In 1945 the United States employed two atomic weapons to end the most destructive war in world history and save millions of lives. It worked.

In 1949 The Soviet Union exploded their first atomic weapon, thereafter rendering unilateral use of atomic weapons impossible.
2013-02-12 7:50 pm
very simple, we made a grave mistake and hope others will learn from our faults. (although given the situation there wasn't much other choice)

it's best we went first anyway, Americans can be trigger happy but we're rational enough to know when to stop. had it been anyone else they would probably use it dozens of times.

in history someone always has to go first.

many other counties have the technology, the US gov't fears it being used against us! that's why the US gov't is so aggressive about it.

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