
2013-02-13 12:09 am
劉皇發去求籤 (past tense) 英文點講?

回答 (4)

2013-02-16 4:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
求籤 (past tense) = shook a tube full of fortune sticks.

“Heung Yee Kuk chairman Lau Wong-fat shook a tube full of fortune sticks with steady hands at a Sha Tin temple yesterday, apparently unfazed by his unlucky draw for the city last year.” ~ as reported in the newspaper, “South China Morning Post” (16 Feb 2010 )

http://www.scmp.com/topics/che-kung-miu 雖然"這段 "南華早報" 新聞稍微舊, 但可以參考

參考: 南華早報
2013-02-13 7:24 pm

Lau Wong Fat going to draw divination sticks
2013-02-13 1:13 am
Lau Wong-fat drew (past tense of draw) a prediction to predict the future.
2013-02-13 12:43 am
Lau Wong-fat went to draw a lot.
Lau Wong-fat drew a lot.

( 'Lot' means '籤' ; 'Draw a lot' means '求籤' ; 'Lau Wong-fat' means '劉皇發' )
參考: me, dictionary

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