dependant question on tax return?

2013-02-11 8:24 pm
1 son made 4500 and his new wife made 3700. they got married last year and moved in with us in jan of last year. they had a baby in november. they all live with us. son works and goes to school full time. he is 25 (born 11/87).
2nd son goes to college in utah and we support him. he works and makes maybe 3000 but i can find out if the amount means anything. he is 27 (born 7/85) and got married in september of last year also.
can i claim either as dependant? or no?

回答 (3)

2013-02-11 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If either son files a joint return with their spouse for ANY reason other than to claim a full refund of all federal income taxes withheld, their marriage trumps your right to claim them.

The one with the child can almost certainly claim the EIC and that would bar you from claiming him or his spouse or child.

For the second son his spouse's income is a major factor. If they file jointly their tax liability must be $0 and each must have a tax liability of $0 figured as if they had filed separate returns. Again, if they claim any credits such as the EIC, that bars you from claiming them.
2013-02-12 6:59 am
1 son and wife made too much money, they claim their own income on their own tax return
as for their child, who is living in your household, unless they provided more than 50% his support, you could claim the grandchild on your tax return
2 son does not live with you apparently nor does his wife, you cannot claim him
2013-02-12 4:51 am
Neither one.

The older son is too old unless he lived with you all year, and the younger son made too much money. Both can file joijtly with their spouses.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:24:37
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