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餘論 英文
I think you meant "輿論".
English for "輿論" is:
"Public Opinion"
2013-02-10 23:59:37 補充:
"輿論,或稱民意(英語:Public opinion),其定義非常多樣化,人們都意識到輿論的重要性,但是對於什麼是輿論卻從來沒有達成一致的意見,就和其它社會科學一樣,輿論學對輿論的定義決定了輿論學的發展。
2013-02-11 00:16:30 補充:
"輿論" 是多數人的共同意見。English is "public opinion".
The opinion could have originally 閒言碎語 from 地位低微的人, or 宏論 from 識見廣博之士, but once the ideas share a common view point, they become "opinion of the general public", i.e. "Public Opinion" or "輿論".
2013-02-11 04:18:33 補充:
My apology for assuming you meant "輿論".
For "餘論" itself:
剩餘 Remaining
其餘 Other
更多 Additional, more detailed, further.
點滴 Bits and Pieces (Various topics, selected topics)
閒話 Gossip
宏 Macro
理論 theory
論點 argument
概念 concept
討論 discussion
議論 debate
解釋 explanation
2013-02-11 05:01:11 補充:
(1) 更多討論 Further Discussions
(2) 深入討論 Indepth Discussions
(3) 其餘理論 Other Theiories
(3) 主要理論 Main Theories
(4) 摘要理論 Selected Theoriies
(5) 宏論 Macro Theories
(6) 閒話, 點滴 Leisurely Discussions (gossip seems inappropriate here)
2013-02-11 05:20:41 補充:
For the meaning of 閒言閒语, English is "Leisurely Talks".
For the meaning of 宏論, English is "Macro Theory".
It seems the term 餘論 has been used as part of book titles (or topics within a book) to mean "selected" or "Further" Discussions (or Thories / Concepts).
參考: My past learning, 維基百科,自由的百科全書