why do i feel like sextile is nicer than trine when it's not?

can anyone explain this? sextile just seems less "there" than trine. does that make sense? lol. sorry if it doesn't. :)

回答 (2)

2013-02-12 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
The difference between the sextile and the trine is the TYPE of positive energy of these two aspects.

A sextile is when two planets are 60 degrees apart and cause an 'excitation' between the two planets. The sextile always involves two different elements such as fire/air and also earth/water. So the vibration of the sextile is filled with more 'exciting' energy than the trine. So I can understand why you prefer the sextile due to the harmonious elements which 'feed' upon each other which creates that exciting feeling. So I understand why you like the stronger energy of the sextile.

The trine is when two planets are 120 degrees apart and is considered an 'easy' aspect with a smooth 'flow' that blend together well as they are of the same element. So the trine's energy just doesn't have that 'excitement' factor that you feel with the sextile.

The energy of the trine consists of the same element between the two planets (both are fire, earth, air, water) while the sextile has that 'mix' of two DIFFERENT elements which causes a heightened energy and it seems that you are possibly more 'into' the exciting feeling that the sextile vibrates to compared to the harmonious, balanced flow of the trine. The trine can actually be rather 'boring' because of its flowing frequency especially when compared to the excitement of the sextile. The trine can actually be quite 'lazy' compared to the energy of the sextile.

I too love the sextile due to the excitement that is produced so I understand your preference for the sextile as exciting is better than boring!

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-02-10 2:23 pm
They both are harmonious and positive.

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