I have Uranus/Neptune in the 7th house conjunct my Ascendant in Mars, and I would NEVER cheat?

2013-02-10 3:40 am
But unfortunately, relationships have never worked out for me because they didn't want to commit. And this is for every guy I've ever met and fell hard for. Why is that? Aren't I supposed to be the one that loves to cheat or run around from relationship to relationship?

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2013-02-10 9:26 pm
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Never say "never" because you only set yourself up for a test. I had to learn that the hard way. I like to say "god willing I won't cheat" or something like that. Years ago my friend was taking all of the seeds out of a watermelon as her abusive husband didn't like to pick them out. I SAID " I'll never do that for a man" and ten years later to my surprise I was taking out the seeds of a watermelon for my abusive husband. So watch using the word "never" as it seems to bring us a test at a later date!

Having Mars on the Ascendant gives you a strong personality but in Cancer which 'softens' the assertiveness of the Mars Energy. so you have a fiery personality with Mars on the Ascendant.

And Mars is in opposition to both Uranus AND Neptune in your 7th House of Marriage and Partnerships. So these two oppositions are life lessons for you to work on in this lifetime. And oppositions are 'relationship aspects' so this will manifest in your House of Marriage.

Since the 7th House is descriptive of the type of person we will be mates with, having Uranus in this house really causes much abrupt change as Uranus hates routine. I imagine this is one reason for the short term relationships that you have had. And Mars opposing Uranus can actually cause some anger with your mates and I feel this is why they tend to fail.

Your Mars opposing Neptune makes it difficult for you to choose appropriate mates because Neptune 'veils' reality so your 'perfect mate' tends to always end up being 'imperfect mates' due to Neptune's great ability to veil what is really happening. So watch behavior instead of believing potential mates as this will help you choose a mate more wisely.

You also have Venus/Pluto conjunction in the 5th House of Romance which often brings romantic partners that you might desire to control in some way. Venus is love and Pluto is power and so while you can love powerfully, many times this turns into an issue of 'who's in control' here.

I would suggest that you try to move slowly in relationships as that Uranus in the 7th does tend to have mates that come and go with frequency due to Uranus' dislike of 'staying' with one person. So go slow in relationships and I hope this will help you find your mate. And remember as we age we tend to overcome our hard aspects and you will also overcome these 'here today gone tomorrow' types of guys. Soften your approach and by moving slowly this give you a chance to really see their behavior which will be very helpful in finding the right mate for you.

You are filled with action and relationships rarely work out when they happen suddenly and then they end suddenly too. Be patient and don't even say the word "commit" when you find a new mate. Act as if commitment means nothing to you and I feel this will end the "commitment" issues you are having.

Timing is everything and for you patience will be your friend when it comes to love. Move slowly and this won't 'tell' your mate that you are anxious to commit which will allow them to relax. It's funny how changing one thing can make a world of difference in our life.

Hope this is helpful and I wish you the best and your mate is out there waiting and looking for you so take your time and remember when one door closes another door always opens. Good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33

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