How would this effect a Sun-Conj Pluto person?

2013-02-10 1:24 am
If a father who has sun conjunct pluto (both in leo) got completely ignored by one of their sons for 4 1/2 years while living in the same house, how would they take this?? What would be going through their mind?? And once this person forgave them and stopped ignoring them, would they be vengeful?

I know the whole chart counts but I don't have the persons birth time.

回答 (1)

2013-02-11 6:41 pm
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I hope I understand this correctly. A father with a Sun/Pluto Leo Conjunction has a son that ignored him for over 4 years while living in the same house? How would the father react when the son forgave the father? Hope this is correct.

I feel that Sun conjunct Pluto is one of the strongest aspects to have to work with because many with this aspect are rather like 'dictators' and especially when in Leo. They become almost 'Scorpio-like' and can be strong enemies.

But since this conjunction IS in Leo, I imagine this didn't bother the father that much, though sad to say this. When someone argues or disagrees with a Leo, they are most often 'indifferent' to that person from then on. So Leo just acts as if the person doesn't even exist. So I am wondering if the father will show much reaction to the son's forgiveness. Leo doesn't forgive others easily but they can really 'write them off' easily as this is just Leo's Nature.

Adding Pluto to this Leo Nature gives one a feeling of power so I wouldn't get my hopes up too much that the father will have a 'Hallmark Moment' with his son though this is sadly written. I don't believe that the father would actually be vengeful since he has already 'written him off' for the last few years.

Instead I believe he will continue to act the same way and I don't believe the father will be vengeful either to his son. In fact the father might act like he doesn't even know what his son is talking about! Such as "I don't know what you're talking about son." How about that comment for really hurting the son's feelings. For the father to be indifferent to it all as if nothing even happened. I imagine the father is excellent in this 'denial' because Leo does this better than all the other signs.

So this is what I think will happen. Father will act like nothing has been 'going on' with his son and this will be hurtful to the son but that's my feeling how this is going to turn out. I wouldn't expect much from the father. And this will hurt his son even more. To know that your father doesn't really 'care' that much for their child is painful. And Leo will say whatever makes them look the best as their image is very important to Leo.

I hope this is helpful to you because parent/child relationships can be really tricky at times because of personality disorders that are so prevalent today. The father could possibly be a narcissist and the son could be passive-aggressive....just saying they 'might' be.

I too went through a long period of time being 'exiled' from my 'family' and was quite let down when I returned and was treated as if I wasn't even there so I know how hurtful this can be. So if the father isn't receptive or even grateful that his son has forgiven him, it isn't the son's fault. When children have problems with a parent it is THE PARENT that needs to approach the child and work out their problems as this lets the child know that they are loved.

So be there for the son because he will be hurt when the father doesn't acknowledge that there was even a problem to begin with! God creates us but Man makes us. Our upbringing has much to do with how we 'turn out' as adults. Parents can 'make' their children feel unloved and this is shameful but it happens all the time. Unfortunately.

Good luck to them all and bless them too and hopefully there won't be any revenge and instead love will save the day. I am grateful that you are concerned. Bless you so much.
參考: Amethyst33

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