Maths(Laws of integral indices

2013-02-09 4:11 am

回答 (3)

2013-02-10 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2013-02-18 5:10 am





2013-02-17 10:04 pm
Hi I am marcoleongk89,today I am going to help you solve the question.


=[2^2*5^2n + 25^n]/5^n
=(5*5^2n)/5^n<Because 4 * a + a = 5 * a ! You just think 5^2n = a is ok.

I ask my teacher about this question too!And she taught me this method !

Hope I can help you la ....
參考: You can turn your book to page 9.4 - 9.10.There are many examples

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