Each sign as an inspirational guide/mentor?

2013-02-07 2:43 pm
I think Cancerians and Leos usually take a humorous and fun approach to teaching, maybe even subjective as they will always mention their own experiences whereas Capricorns would have a more serious, objective and authoritarian approach where they only mention the lesson but not talk about their own experience.

What do you think is each sign's approach?

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2013-02-13 9:15 pm
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Having been a teacher I must congratulate you on your observations about how teachers approach their method of teaching. So here I go!

Aries- Ruled by Mars so very subjective and can go either way of being excited and much fun OR they can dislike their job and see it as boring which then would make them dislike teaching and turn into the stern, 'nobody likes their class' type of teacher.

Taurus- Ruled by Venus so would want a controlled peaceful classroom and would attain this by letting the students know that they really care about them which makes students love the teacher and the students will jump as high as they ask as they really care about the teacher too.

Gemini- Ruled by Mercury so this one is unpredictable due to the quick mood changes that Gemini is prone to have. Consistency isn't their 'thing' so one day they could be so funny and entertain as they teach OR they can be rather 'snappy' toward the students when they are in a bad mood. This one is a coin toss due to the inability to maintain their mood.

Cancer- Ruled by Moon so this one would be very subjective and positively caring and nurturing teacher. Again the kids would know that Cancer Teacher really cares for them and would work hard for the teacher. This is a teacher the kids would come to with a problem as they know the teacher truly wants the best for her students.

Leo- You nailed Leo. They do desire to be Top Dog though so sometimes are most concerned about moving into administration and up that educational ladder. Would probably be the best-dressed as Leo is greatly concerned about their appearance. But generally would be a fun teacher unless one of the students gets 'out of line' and Leo is just the one to 'put them in their place.'

Virgo- Ruled by Mercury so very detailed-oriented which might drive the students nuts. However they are organized teachers generally so the student will gain knowledge from a Virgo Teacher. Would not put up with any 'funny business' as they are there to teach and teach they will.

Libra- Ruled by Venus so probably a kind and friendly teacher and possibly the kids would 'get away' with more 'funny business' as Libra loves a harmonious and peaceful environment. They kids would probably love the Libra Teacher as they have a true desire to impart information and would be rather subjective too by adding their experiences to their classroom.

Scorpio- Ruled by Pluto and they would run a tight ship in the classroom as Scorpios are observant and they miss nothing. Probably a great teacher that has high standards and is more objective as Scorpios do not like to share personal experiences. They have a huge mistrust of others which is another reason why they wouldn't share much with the kids.

Sagittarius- Ruled by Jupiter (our 'lucky' planet) and born to teach. They would tell the students all about their trips and personal experiences too. Sag rules the 9th House of Knowledge and so they would probably be a fun teacher that the students really like.

Capricorn- Ruled by Saturn and would have high expectations of their students accepting only their best work. All business here and might have a cruel streak at times by assigning too much homework for example. Probably not the favorite teacher at school.

Aquarius- Ruled by crazy ol' Uranus so probably an eccentric teacher in some way and I doubt their classroom is boring. Aquarius loves anything connected to the future and technology and helping mankind so no telling what the teacher would do next and kids LOVE this 'never knowing' what will be happening next. Probably full of subjective stories to tell and again, not boring at all.

Pisces- Ruled by Neptune and is compassionate and kind. Like Cancer, would probably have students coming to them in times of need or understanding. They are probably not very organized and would have a more 'laid-back' method of teaching.

Hope this is on target for the most part. Good question and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33

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