Could i still be pregnant?

2013-02-07 2:33 pm
I'm having symptoms of being pregnant, such as: sore/tender boobs and they have also grown.
My stomach has become hard and also I have missed my period by 4 days but the home pregnancy test come back as negative.
Am I pregnant?!

回答 (6)

2013-02-07 2:53 pm
it all depends on hcg levels, normal hpt measure 20ml of the hormone for a possitive, the levels differ on different people, i've had many faulse negatives, never faulse positives, test in a few days, if still no positive go to the doctors for a blood test good luck x
2013-02-07 2:41 pm
You should go to see the doctor..
2013-02-07 2:37 pm
Go to the doctor and get a blood test done... I'm currently in the same position except I'm 2 weeks late with 3 negative tests! Hope it goes well for you... I find out tomorrow!
2013-02-07 2:36 pm
These are also signs of your period coming. Stressing about it can make your period late. See your doc if you still haven't gotten a period in a couple weeks or before then if you are worried.
參考: Lots of stressing about being pregnant.
2013-02-07 2:35 pm
no you have a tape worm inside of you, they are not fun to get rid of
2013-02-07 2:34 pm
If the pregnancy test came back negative, then no

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