I'm 16 years, & pregnant, wasn't planned, but condom broke?

2013-02-07 1:55 pm
My condom broke & I wasn't planning on getting rid off something that was my fault, I thought if I was ready too do adult things I had too face the consequences.. So I'm keeping the little one... But since I hit my 6-7 week I've been having difficulties.. I've been back & forth too the doctors with them just saying we have no clue, I've explained myself on what is happening too 3 different doctors and all they do is give me blood test & they keep telling me my results haven't came in.

My pregnancy was going perfect till now, I am cramping that it hurts then inside of me.. It feels like my normal period cramps.. I'm bleeding brown and red, I don't know if it's spotting.. But I know it's NOT heavy flow..

But I have said what I have explained above to the doctors && none of them would give me a straight answer, I waited 4 hours at the emergency that just gave me blood test with no outcome .. Please someone help!! I really want too know what is going with my baby, I'm really concerned with no help.

回答 (5)

2013-02-07 3:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm no doctor or nothing, but I do know everyone's pregnancy is different, a close friend of mine had spotting most days till she was 6 months gone, so don't worry, she did have her baby prem, but he's a year old now and the same as any other little boy.
If you're just having blood tests and they're not saying anything then there's nothing wrong, least nothing they can see, if they thought there was anything a bit odd happening they would of made you do more tests, if they said you're ok then you are, LOTS of woman have bad pregnancys, they have terrible cramps, in pain all day, morning sickness doesn't just happen in the mornings, a girl i went to school with was sick after every meal, spent a lot of time in hospital because she was just losing wait, least she wasn't skinny to begin with or she would of been a got more ill. If I'm honest you're likely to become more ill but that doesn't mean your baby is ill, it's just having a baby growing inside you is hard work for your body which often makes women ill.

You're only 16 you're a child, you can say how grown up you are and stuff but I know you're going to think that when i was 16 i thought i was almost an adult, you are no where near, you're going to find this more hard then you ever thought possible.
You are going to be exsuasted, fat, alone and that's just during pragnancy, by the time you have a baby almost all your friends will of got bored of you, you'll be fat, not just a bump, you'll put weight on all over it's unhealthy not too, and the highlight of your day will be getting into bed. then there's labour, so tiring and once your done you can't sleep you've got a crying baby to look after, at 16 your homones will be going more crazy then a older woman's will which will make it harder still, you won't be able to have a full night sleep for sometimes months, and it will be YOUR baby you have to look after it, don't be 1 of those silly little girls who have a baby and leave it with their parents will they go out and have fun, once you have a baby that's it your life is over, you're not even old enough to go clubbing yet, and it's going to be a good few years till you can go out. I'm not trying to scare you I'm being honest, you have no priority now, you baby comes first and last.
You're saying it's not your fault you got pregnant?! Well you knew the condom broke you could of got the morning after pill, I think it's not someones fault if they're on the pill or got the implant etc, then by the time they find out they're often quite far along and don't want to have an aborsion. you chose to have this baby. You might think you're being mature too ' face the consequences', you're not, the mature thing to of done would of been to think...
'the condom broke, i may get pregnant, am i ready for a baby, would i be a good mum, would the father suport us? Is it fair on the baby for me to have it, yes i'll have love for it, but a baby needs more then love, i'm only 16 this baby means i'll have to stop education, and may not have a chance of free education again. Being uneducation means I'll have less chance of getting a job, no chance of getting a well paid 1, do i want to raise my baby living off tax payers instead of being able to support it myself? Will my child be happy being a benefit baby? Will it have a good life and a bright future?'
After you thought this you should of gone to the doctors and spoken about what was best for you and possible baby and you would of likely taken the pill before a baby started forming.
2013-02-07 2:42 pm
go to see the doctor
2013-02-07 3:01 pm
if u are pregnant, u shouldnt be bleeding
2013-02-07 2:24 pm
It sounds like you have had a miscarriage. Use a back up spermicide when you use condoms. Or get the implant.
2013-02-07 3:09 pm
hi, awww bless you its all very confusing, in my oppinion if i were you i would d another pregnancy test if it still days positive then the bleeding could be just the embryo inbedding more into the lining of your womb i bled for 2 solid weeks stain in my undies and every time i wiped there was blood had a scan showing twins but when i had a follow up scan we found out that the bleeding was in fact me miscarrying one of the twins, i kept one and lost one, many women have bleeding for many different reasons, not all have even a reason too why, if a pregnancy test comes out negative after you've had your positive and bleeding then you've more and likely miscarried, after having a missed miscarriage, and 3 spontaneous miscarriages, plus losing a twin, i have learnt that things happen for a reason, please stop worrying i'm proof that you can still have children no matter how many times you lose if anything i appreciate my boys so much more, goodluck xxxx
參考: mummy of 2 boys xx

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