With another massive fuel price overnight here, I am wondering how much fuel, whether diesel or petrol costs per litre or gallon (will try to convert) in other parts of the world. Would also like to know whether the fuel cost at the pump jumps when you have school or public holidays coming up. Last but not least, your opinions please on whether the supermarket chains are causing the exhorbitant prices and are they justified?
Here in Australia we are getting ripped off big time. Our 'watchdogs' - Govt - are totally bloody useless and just accept what the powerful fuel companies and two major supermarket chains - Coles and Woolworths - tell them! Fuel price for unleaded petrol went up 10cents overnight again. Currently paying $160.oo per litre for the cheapest unleaded!!!! Diesel, which needs less refining is almost 20cents per litre more!!!! Thanks. (not sure which category I should ask this in)