
2013-02-08 1:27 am
what is 由於的英文???

回答 (5)

2013-02-08 2:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
由於的英文可以用owing to,thanks to,
as a result of,due to,in virtue of來表達

2013-02-07 18:36:08 補充:
第三、詞性不同。 “因為”是連詞,表示原因或理由。 “由於”是介詞和連詞兩種詞性。
由此而言 “由於”應該要用owing to,thanks to,
as a result of,due to,in virtue of來表達,而不是because
2013-02-08 3:48 am
由於的英文= 因不同情況,有很多書寫方法

Owing to .....

Due to......

It is because of......

2013-02-08 3:07 am
Because of
但冇because is

2013-02-07 19:07:37 補充:
參考: 天星
2013-02-08 2:29 am
1. Owing to engine trouble, the plane had to make a forced landing. 由於發動機出了毛病, 飛機不得不進行迫降.來自《簡明英漢詞典》2. He tends to be romantic owing to lack of experience. 由於缺乏經驗,他有浪漫主義的傾向.來自《簡明英漢詞典》3. Owing to the bad weather, we didn't go to the park. 由於天氣不好, 我們沒有去公園.1. I am feeling better now, no thanks to you. 我現在覺得好些了, 並非由於你的説明.來自《簡明英漢詞典》2. Thanks to your help, we were successful. 由於你的説明, 我們得以成功.來自《簡明英漢詞典》3. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast. 由於全體演員的出色表演,那出戲才獲得成功.1. He was made king as a result of various intrigues. 由於搞了各種各樣的陰謀,他當上了國王.來自《簡明英漢詞典》2. He lost his job as a result of the dispute. 由於這次爭端,他的工作丟掉了.來自《現代漢英綜合大詞典》3. The shame which he suffered as a result of his inaction recalled him to a sense of duty. 由於懶散而使蒙受的恥辱迫使他恢復了責任感.1. The boss gave him the push due to his careless work. 由於他工作不細心,老闆解雇了他.來自《簡明英漢詞典》2. Due to low investment, industrial output has remained stagnant. 由於投資少, 工業生產一直停滯不前.來自《簡明英漢詞典》3. The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest. 由於反應冷淡,這一活動被無限期地擱置了.
2013-02-08 1:43 am
Because is由於的英文

2013-02-07 17:46:30 補充:

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