
2013-02-08 12:05 am
Know all men by these present that Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company CO., LTD.[herein name referred as a Seller] for and in consideration of the receipt of sum of USD 388,765-[USD Three hundred andLakh eighty eight thousand seven thousand sixty five only] from JSW Jaigarth Port Ltd representing full and final payment against all our dues from JSW Jaigarth Port Ltd hereby released and forever discharges JSW Jaigarth Port Ltd forever discharges of all claims, loss, damages, demand, costs, charges, expenses, dues etc., whatsoever in nature (“Claims”) any manner arising out of or related to all supply /work /services rendered by Sellor to JSW Jaigarth Port Ltd.Under the contracts as referred to above.


回答 (5)

2013-02-11 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

從這些可以辨別出所有人,顯示上海振華重工有限公司〔在此名為賣方〕為了和考慮到從 "JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd." 收取總數共 388,765 美元〔三十八萬八千七百六十五美元正〕的款項,對比於我們來自 "JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd." 的所有應收權益,該款項就是代表著全額的和最終的付款,而藉此使 "JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd." 免除及永遠卸下不論性質,並以任何方式從賣方所提供予 "JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd." 的所有供應/工作/服務所產生的或相關於的所有索賠、損失、賠償、繳款需求、代價、費用、開支、應付款項等(「索賠」)。根據合約就是參照上文一樣。

Know all men by these(1) present that Shanghai Zhenhua(2) Heavy Industries Company, Ltd. [herein(3) name referred(4) as a Seller] for and in consideration of(5) the receipt of sum of USD388,765 [USD Three hundred and eighty eight thousand seven thousand sixty five only] from JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd.(6) representing full and final payment against all our dues(7) from JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd. hereby(8) releases(9) and forever discharges(10) JSW Jaigarth Port Ltd. of all claims(11), loss, damages, demand(12), costs, charges, expenses, dues etc., whatsoever in nature(13) ("Claims") any manner(14) arising out of(15) or related to all supply /work /services rendered(16) by Seller to JSW Jaigarth Port Ltd. Under(17) the contracts as referred to(18) above.

Know all men by these:中譯原意為「從這些可以辨別出所有人」("know" 在此意指辨別、認出),但因未知這句跟後文的實際關係,所以只能以原意譯出,請多多包涵。Zhenhua:「振華」二字的普通話拼音。herein:在此。refer(red):提及、談到。in consideration of:考慮到。JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd.:因未能從網上找到這間公司的中文譯名(應也沒有),所以只好把這英文名稱真接用在中譯上,請多多包涵。(另,因在網上只找到擁有 "Jaigarh" 這字的而沒能找擁有 "Jaigarth" 這字的名稱,所以從原本更改為前述的名稱,如有錯誤,望祈指正)due(s):應收權益或應付款項。hereby:藉此。release(s):免除。discharge(s):卸下。claim(s):索賠(申索賠償)。demand:需求(原文意指繳款需求)。whatsoever in nature:無論性質("whatsoever" 同 "whatever",但語氣較重,"nature" 在此意指性質)。
manner:方式。arise(arising) out of:產生自。render(ed):供給。under:根據、按照。
refer(red) to:參照、參考。

參考: 苗克阿肯
2015-11-25 2:18 am

I, …………………………………., (identity tax number ……….., passport ……. No …………, date of issued ………), residing at ………….., hereby agree and acknowledge receipt of USD ………….. (………….. United States Dollars) ……………………as compensation for death of my husband ………… ………… at my bank account ………..……………… (banking details) from “……………..”, who act as owners of m/v “…………”.

I accept this payment in full and final settlement of all claims of whatsoever nature, howsoever arising, wheresoever arising, whether manifest now or hereafter relating to death of …………. ……….. which occurred on the …………. during his employment on board the ship “……………..”. I further acknowledge that in consideration of the above payment I do hereby release from all liabilities aforesaid the following parties:-

a) The ship, the Owners, the Master and the crew and all servants or Agents of the Owners, operators, managers, (their servants and Agents inclusive) of the ship “……………..”.

b) Any insurers, insurance organization, insurance and indemnity association of any of the parties mentioned in such paragraph (a) above who may be the subject of claims arising out of the matter.

I, ……………………………………, undertake to indemnify the owners, managers, operators, their servants and/or agents and insurers of the “……………..” in respect of any claims for damages or costs brought in the future on my behalf by any party whatever by direct action, contribution, indemnity or otherwise, which is directly or indirectly as a result of death of ………………… which occurred on the ……………….during his employment on board the ship “…………..”.

For the avoidance of doubt, I acknowledge that this Release and Receipt Agreement is intended to be valid in all jurisdictions of the countries in which I or my next of kin or heirs/dependants/creditors and/or other similar capacity have a right to bring an action for damages against the parties mentioned above under a) and b). If, notwithstanding the preceding sentence, any claims are brought by any party claiming as relative, friend, dependent, creditor, heir(s) and/or other similar capacity against the parties referred to under a) and b) then such claim will be wholly and completely for the account of the undersigned to settle who hereby fully undertakes to indemnify each of the parties referred above under a) and b) above for any liability arising in respect for such a claim including interest and all related costs. I hereby undertake in consideration of the aforesaid payment to take all such steps as may be required of me to perfect this release and indemnity agreement so as to make it a legally binding document in any jurisdiction of the World.

I confirm that I have carefully read this form and having done so, I attach my signature below in presence of 2 witnesses:
2013-02-10 5:07 am
我知道所有的人,這是目前上海振華重工企業有限公司,LTD。本文名簡稱為賣方考慮在收到388765美元的總和 - 三百美元andLakh88000七千六十五]從JSW Jaigarth的港有限公司支付全部和最終對我們的會費JSW Jaigarth港有限公司現予公佈,永遠排放JSW Jaigarth港有限公司永遠排放的所有索賠,損失,損害賠償,需求,成本,費用,開支,費用等任何方式,任何性質(“聲明”)而產生的或與之相關的所有電源/工作/服務的Sellor呈現JSW Jaigarth港Ltd.Under的合同,上面提到的。
2013-02-10 1:16 am
知道所有的這些男子現時的上海振華重工公司有限公司 [此處名稱被稱為賣方],並將收到的款項的美元 388,765-[美元三百 andLakh 僅 9 萬 5065] 從 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司代表所有會員費完全和最終付款從 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司特此發佈和永遠放電 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司永遠放電的所有索賠、 損失、 損害賠償、 需求、 成本、 收費、 開支、 會費等任何性質 ("索賠") 以任何方式所產生的或與有關的所有供應 /work /services 呈現 JSW Jaigarth 埠 Ltd.Under 到 Sellor 的合同如上文所述。
參考: me
2013-02-08 1:33 am
知道所有的這些男子現時的上海振華重工公司有限公司 [此處名稱被稱為賣方],並將收到的款項的美元 388,765-[美元三百 andLakh 僅 9 萬 5065] 從 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司代表所有會員費完全和最終付款從 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司特此發佈和永遠放電 JSW Jaigarth 港口有限公司永遠放電的所有索賠、 損失、 損害賠償、 需求、 成本、 收費、 開支、 會費等任何性質 ("索賠") 以任何方式所產生的或與有關的所有供應 /work /services 呈現 JSW Jaigarth 埠 Ltd.Under 到 Sellor 的合同如上文所述。

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