Hong Kong wanna be independent.?

2013-02-06 3:45 pm
Hong Kong wanna be independent. Can British help Hong Kong to be inpendent???

回答 (5)

2013-02-07 8:43 pm
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Hongkongers more and more fed up with the ever increasing tons of CCP/Mainlanders abusing the beautiful, well-governed ex-British City.

Illegal Mainland Chinese aliens, crooks. prostitutes, scammers, smugglers, poor unskilled Mainland immigrants, refugees, and ruthless, rude, inconsiderate, greedy, arrogant Mainland visitors and tourists marched in herds into the City on a daily basis are driving Hongkongers nuts.

Trying to get independent now is too late and not practical at current circumstances, if the People there could predict ahead of time all the problems CCP/Mainlanders causing the City as now, they should have fight for independent when the sovereignty issue first poped up in early 80s.

Mrs Anson Chan and some of the Ex-British government senior officials are right that HK should and must keep an arms-length with CCP/Mainland.

It's going to take another 60-80 years for vast majority Mainlanders come to the standard of Hong Kong, HK's current situation is even worst than Mexicans abusing the rich north, at least Mexico does not deliberately feed Mexicans with toxic trash food and terrible air/water/soil pollutions all over. As well, Mexico is a very small country compared to the wealthy US while HK is only a small city of 7 millions confronting with 1.3 billion ruthless, greedy, poor Mainlanders many of whom want to flee away from the $xithole mafia regime.

Cat, I'm very busy lately, many associates from Asia visiting town for the Chinese New Year holiday, a happy and properous New Year to you and all readers of Y/A, including CCP mouthpieces!
2013-02-06 6:07 pm
The idea that Hong Kong should become independent like Singapore has been floating around for maybe half a century. However it's unlikely it could happen because the PRC would never surrender its sovereignty. There is nothing Britain can do to help, under the current world situation, it wouldn't even express any opinion on this subject to the rest of the world.
2016-10-14 11:52 am
in case you have a level, than get a job coaching English. i became into presented a job making 14,000HK a month to instruct English as quickly as. I had too a lot on my plate to settle for it, besides the undeniable fact that, the alternative became into there. study coaching jobs in HK. maximum require a level and a few style of English coaching certificates. certificates do not take too long to get. I have been given my TESOL certificates in approximately 2 weeks of finished-time learn. do not neglect the degree requirement. some places in China (mainland ) nonetheless enable human beings without ranges to instruct. many do not. perhaps in case you have no degree, than you need to paintings in basic terms over the border on the mainland and pass into HK whenever you desire. as quickly as you're relatively there making a residing and installation relationships with people who're interior the "in," than you may concentration on getting paintings in comm. besides, those are my 2-bits!
2013-02-06 3:47 pm
No ask the chinese goverment.
2013-02-06 5:32 pm
That's news to me, most people I know from Hong Kong feel fine about their relationship with mainland China - their SAR status means Hong Kong is almost technically independent, with their own government, laws and economy, Beijing is unable to interfere or alter Hong Kong legislations in any way.

The general public opinion in Hong Kong is that they are Chinese, but having developed differently as a result of British colonisation, they were free to retain their existing infrastructure and government after returning to China in 1997.

Britain is no longer an empire, not since the end of WWI. Diplomatically Hong Kong is under the jurisdiction of China, and having lived in England, I can safely say British people don't give a damn about their supposed "former colonies", they fully recognise the sovereignty and independence of other nations, Britain's not America.

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