Where to find inexpensive car window in Toronto?

2013-02-06 3:44 pm
I had a car breakin in my apartment underground parking yesterday. Passenger window was smatched. I need to fix it as soon as possible. This happened at a very bad timing because I was very poor lately. I need to find a cheap replacement for the window. I cannot afford to go to the dealer any more. I have zero knowledge of car repair. Canadian tire seems to have a bad reputation, and I was told that do not go into a random unknown car repair shop because they always rip you off. So I do not know where to go now but I know I have to fix it asap. Please help! My car is a Chevy Venture.

回答 (3)

2013-02-06 3:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just wondering if your vehicle has insurance coverage? Glass replacements due to break-in or say if your windshield was struck by a stone/rock and consequently the crack was too long are part of comprehensive covrerage where you call/contact your insurance company with the details, they normally have glass repair shops on contract with discount and the owner is responsible for just paying the deductible amount.

Hope the Above lnfo Helps!
2013-02-07 12:18 am
Call salvage yards to see if they have it and what it sells for. If your glass is tinted, be sure to mention that. Since you don't want to pay to have the work done, see if any school nearby that teaches autoshop will do it as a project.
2013-02-06 11:55 pm
So you don't trust anyone and you don't know anything so it looks like duct tape and plastic for you.

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