英文作文 help (20點)

2013-02-06 3:06 am
英文作文 help (20點)
if i had 7 days left living in the world (100 -200字)


回答 (5)

2013-02-06 8:06 am
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Some people thought that it was the doomsday on 21th December 2012, but it didn't happen anything special on that day. (有人認為2012年12月21日是世界末日,但那天的世界沒有發生任何特別事情。)

Seriously, if I had 7 days left living in the world, I would stay at home and enjoy our life in 3 days because we didn't know when the doomsday come or what will happen on that day. For example, I would share my life experiences to my family members. (認真說,如果我只剩下7天在這世界生活,在3天內,我會留在家跟家人享受我們的生活,因為我們不知道末日何時來臨或者在那天會發生什麼事。例如我會跟家人分享我的生活經驗。)

For my friends, if I had 7 days left living in the world, I would also play with them in 2 days. I would spend one day to play games on websites, and spend another day to hang out with them. That would be more meaningful. (至於我的朋友,如果我只剩下7天在這世界生活,我亦會在2天內跟他們玩。我會花1天和他們玩網上遊戲,第2天就和他們出外逛逛。)

Anyway, we should treasure our life anytime. (無論如何,我們應珍惜我們生活的任何時間。)

(124 words)
參考: 我..希望幫到你=]
2013-02-06 9:32 am
Life is the most precious thing for people to have because life belongs to us only once. If I know there were only seven days for me to live in the world, first of all, I would feel sad, and then I would try my best to finish what I have not finished and set my heart at easy. Maybe, I would try to plan my funeral and make my sons and daughters know how to deal with my remains. After all this had been done with the help of my dearest ones, I would have something good to eat and a heart-to-heart talk with my wife, perhaps I would kiss her for the last time. There is a saying that goes “The death under a peony is dissolute.” When I tell all this to my family, none of them agree with me. They have told me another saying that “living shamelessly in the world is better than meeting one’s death smoothly”. After I think it deeply, I know what my family members said is right. I must try everything possible to live longer. I must love my life because it belongs to me only once. But I think if my motherland needs me to fight against the enemies, I will devote my life to the holy cause of defending my motherland. Simaqian once said that human beings would die, or heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. My answer is I will die for my motherland, heavier and Mount Tai.(260 words)
2013-02-06 5:54 am
If I know there were only seven days for me to live in the world. I would try my best to finish what I have not finished. Maybe, I would try to plan my funeral and make family members know how to deal with my remains. After all this had been done with the help of my dearest ones, I would have something good to eat and a heart-to-heart talk with my wife, perhaps I would kiss her for the last time. There is a saying that goes “The death under a peony is dissolute.” When I tell all this to my family, none of them agree with me. They have told me another saying that “living shamelessly in the world is better than meeting one’s death smoothly”. After I think it deeply, I know what my family members said is right. I must try everything possible to live longer. I must love my life because it belongs to me only once. But I think if my motherland needs me to fight against the enemies, I will devote my life to the holy cause of defending my motherland. Simaqian once said that human beings would die, or heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. My answer is I will die for my motherland, heavier and Mount Tai.
2013-02-06 4:21 am
你可唔可以唔好up D廢話!

2013-02-05 20:23:16 補充:
我都知道什麼是 if i had 7 days left living in the world la!

2013-02-05 20:26:25 補充:

2013-02-05 20:49:43 補充:

2013-02-05 21:15:15 補充:
But i have (100-200 words)

2013-02-05 21:49:28 補充:
plese help me
2013-02-06 4:08 am

2013-02-05 20:10:55 補充:
http://hk.bing.com/translator/?ref=IE8Activity 例如可翻譯 if i had 7 days left living in the world =如果我有 7 天離開生活在世界

2013-02-05 20:40:07 補充:
你可寫如果我有 7 天離開生活在世界,我便會環遊世界,做d有義的事o分七段黎寫,寫每天做咗D咩

2013-02-05 21:08:23 補充:
Iwill will travel around the world, doing the righteous thing. Help people how in trouble.I'm going to travel in mountainous areas of China, because there are a lot of children were poor, wanted us to help.Then, I will participate in meaningful thing-buy flags. visit an old people home.

2013-02-05 21:12:30 補充:

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