特首還番錢俾人, 點解用被動式?

2013-02-05 5:46 pm
The first couple had planned to visit three stalls. But the chaos prevented them from proceeding beyond their first one. Leung paid HK$100 for four bunches of lucky bamboo. But his embarrassed office had to admit later that the payment was HK$40 short, and the chief executive had to arrange for the shortfall to be reimbursed to the vendor.

I have few questions below.

1. Can the phrase “had to” change to “had admitted” and “had arranged”? I know the meaning of “have to”, but the meaning is quite strange.(特首辦之後必須承認少付了四十元, 同時特首必須處理缺錢的問題, 被還錢給小販)???

2. 特首還番錢俾人, 點解用 “to be reimbursed” (passive voice), 唔係 “to reimburse”?

回答 (1)

2013-02-05 6:44 pm
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But his embarrassed office had to admit later that the payment was HK$40 short, and the chief executive had to arrange for the shortfall to be reimbursed to the vendor.

1. Can the phrase “had to” change to “had admitted” and “had arranged”? I know the meaning of “have to”, but the meaning is quite strange.(特首辦之後必須承認少付了四十元, 同時特首必須處理缺錢的問題, 被還錢給小販)???

"had to admit" change to "had admitted"和"had to arrange" change to "had arranged" 文法上可以,但意思上就不同了:
你話你明have to的意思:"had to"這裏的意思作者想指出他(們)must是指出他們必須要做的事,但如果改為had admitted和had arranged意思是報導一個實情(已經承認了/已經安排了),而不是表達那種「須要」改正或處理的程度。如果你係政府的新聞官就很令你老闆(特首)開心了...你把他的錯誤或失誤寫成為理所當然的平常事件報導。這段文字的作者是特別強調由於他(們)的失誤,所以用了「必須」處理來突顯他想表達之前問題的嚴重。當然當你唔想把事件突出你的寫法是冇錯的。

2. 特首還番錢俾人, 點解用 “to be reimbursed” (passive voice), 唔係 “to reimburse”?
你看錯了這個passive voice的主角不是特首,而是the shortfall(差額)這個名詞。希望這樣點出來你已經明白..因為較為難拆句給你看:

the chief executive had to arrange for [the shortfall to be reimbursed] to the vendor

the chief executive arranged the shortfall to reimburse (to) the vendor.
chief executive = subject
arranged = verb
the shortfall = object


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