
2013-02-05 5:15 pm


回答 (6)

2013-02-06 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Inconceivably perplexing and unless blessed with a gift, dream interpretation entails, yet not guaranteed for precision by, sophisticated life experience and long-term practice.
2013-02-06 4:12 am
河豚的存在還真是格格不入呀!= - =
2013-02-05 7:22 pm


Interpreting dreams is an intricate matter. Unless one is extraordinary gifted, rich life experiences and extensive practices are often required. Even so, the results are by no means guaranteed.
2013-02-05 6:19 pm
2013-02-05 6:16 pm
Dream is a very complex thing. Unless you have a specific talent, usually needs to have a wealth of life experience and a long period of practice behind it. But the results also may not be able to fully correct.
2013-02-05 5:55 pm

Oneiromancy is something very complicated. It requires to be backed
up either by a special gift or with abundant experience of life plus
persistent practice, yet it is not assured completely correct.

2013-02-05 11:36:00 補充:
沒錯, 「若非有.....通常都需要有....」正是是二選一的概念.
參考: 羅莉 - 翻譯經驗

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