What is the movie title?

2013-02-05 5:54 am
I forget a movie title. But I still remember some pictures as below:
(1) There is an old folks house which is take care old retired people.
(2) There is a big empty house near by the old folks house.
(3) The big empty house has a swimming pool inside.
(4) One day, some old folks discover the swimming pool.
(5) The second day, some old folks discover that there is a alian's egg inside the swimming pool.
(6) The third day, old folks discover more alian's eggs inside the swimming pool.
(7) When the old folks swim with eggs, they feel younger.
(8) The alian's eggs are brought by alians to swimming pool. The alians are like human.

So, please think, what is the movie title?

回答 (2)

2013-02-05 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Old folks with eggs lol
2013-02-05 1:55 pm

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