do you believe in illuminati ?

2013-02-05 2:12 am
like why are most celebrities have triangles now on everything is it a sign of their illuminati ? like whats wrong with this world lol im just wondering if anyone knows about this illuminati thing thanks :)

回答 (13)

2013-02-05 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do the even really exist ?
The Illuminati conspiracy is a conspiracy theory which holds that there is a "global elite" society that is either in control of the world, or is seeking to take control of the world. As with most conspiracy theories, beliefs regarding the Illuminati conspiracy vary widely. As a result, it is virtually impossible to give a synopsis of the Illuminati conspiracy. Popularized in recent books and movies, the Illuminati conspiracy has definitely reached "cult fiction" status.

If there is indeed some truth to the Illuminati conspiracy, the Illuminati are nothing but pawns in the hands of Satan, tools to be manipulated in his conflict with God. The fate of the Illuminati will be the same as the fate of their lord, Satan/Lucifer, who will be cast into the lake of fire, to be tormented day and night, forever and ever (Revelation 20:10). In John 16:33 Jesus declared, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." For Christians, all we need to understand about the Illuminati conspiracy is summarized in the words of 1 John 4:4, "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction

What is the New World Order?

What is Free Masonry and what do Free Masons believe?

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參考: TR
2013-02-05 2:13 am
nah,its a bunch of bull.
2013-02-05 2:14 am
No, there is no actual illuminati. The celebrities are doing this triangle thing because it's cool, and because it makes people like you ask this type of question, and wonder if the celebrities are 'mysterious.'

In other words, it's just when Johnny Cash used to talk about how the mark on his face was a bullet scar XD

A real secret society in control of the world wouldn't advertise itself on a superbowl half-time show.
2013-02-05 8:08 pm
Did you happen to notice Beyonces' Illuminati signs? A triangle and two finger(Hookum) sign. No denying Satan.
2013-02-05 1:03 pm
Yes, I've been researching the Illuminati for a numb er of years now and based on the evidence I've come accross it certainly does exist, Most will deny any conspiracy theory as utter nonsense, but they haven't thoroughly delved into the research. Anyone could look up wikipedia and say they've researched it, but unless you thoroughly delve into the occult, you won't realize what's going on.

These celebrities that are supposedly part of the Illuminati, really aren't. You would need to understand how the music industry works. Some say they're celebrities that sell their soul to the devil: well those people clearly took a simple metaphor too far. These artists always sign contracts with record companies, managers and agents who are entitled to 50% of the musician's annual income. Depending on stipulations or clauses in the contracts it could come down to borderline slavery. Beyonce may exhibit Illuminati symbolism but she's not the one choreographing her performance, someone from behind the scenes tells her to do this. I'm aware of a Baphomet top she once wore, but that doesn't mean she's in charge of her own wardrobe. The average musician makes $5 - $6 million a year, but the Illuminati, that work behind the scene on an executive branch makes about $20 Million a year. The Illuminati are very rarely up front on the stage in the music industry. The Music Industry is a company that's about making money and that's mainly what the Illuminati care about because the profit margin makes them gods in their own mind. In fact, most of the companies that own the musi industry also control the media. Universal Music Group is owned by Vivendi, which controls NBC, USA and the SyFy networks.

The Illuminati's main profit of business is in banking and controlling the inflation and interest rates. Through the stock market they have maintained control over various industries. Politicians are often agents of the Illuminati. The average person is more interested in theirv favorite celebrities or vsports teams and constantly miss that this secret organization is corrupting the banking and political field. It's a deception tactic to keep us more interested in the Super Bowl while the politicians issue new laws to revoke the basic freedom's of citizens. In more recent dates they're working on revoking our guns and killing the 2nd Amendment. The media announces this under the pretense that it's for our own protection. In reality they're taking our guns away so only the military, which they control, will have the right to bear arms. They're taking over the country through stealth, but most people are too uninterested in the reality of this.
參考: I've been researching the Illuminati for a number of years now. Though it was originally a secret society in Bavaria in 1776, it has lived on through Freemasonry. I assure you this is very real and much more serious then anyone is willing to give credit for. Though it is ignorant to believe all conspiracy theories it's downright stupid to believe there are no conspiracies. Do the research, knowledge will lead you to truth.
2013-02-05 2:19 am
i don't think it's real. if it's such a "secret" society the biggest celebrities wouldn't be allowed in i would think
2013-02-05 2:17 am
I know for a fact that a social club for rich intellectuals known as the Illuminati was founded in Bavaria in 1776 and existed for a little less than a year before being shut down by the Bavarian government for the fairly minor crime of operating a social club without a permit.

I'm not sure where people get the idea that this organization A) still exist, B) had any kind of power over anything or anybody, or C) was evil. But then, I'm not sure where people got the idea that Nostradamus said the world would end in 2012 or that the human eye is perfectly engineered.
2013-02-05 2:22 am
I know for a fact that some celebrities are Satanists and using Demonic power for evil. Don't follow these celebrities into Hell because a lot of them are evil and plan on guiding people into death and Hell.
2013-02-05 3:02 am
The Illuminati was a group who met mostly to discuss politics. They were in Bavaria from 1776 until 1785 when it was outlawed.

That is the real Illuminati. Anything after that is just a bunch of conspiracy theories.
2013-02-05 11:16 pm
Yes, it's satanic cult bent on world domination. They control other secret societies like Freemasons, and Skull & Bones. They also have a tight grip on the music business and the evidence is clear - the hand signals - pyramid over one eye, devil's horns and satanic symbolism such as the goat's head, pentagrams, etc. It can't be all coincidence or a publicity gimmick.

2013-02-05 2:20 am
The 'enlightened ones'?

Nah, it's not real lol, well, there's probably a group of conspiracists that call themselves the illuminati, but they're just delluded lol.
2013-02-05 2:20 am
Okay yes, there are people who do believe and worship the devil, that would be known as being part of the illuminati. Itnismpossible there is a group out there that does that why is that so surprising and unreal to people? Celebrities however might just do that because it's cool. I mean who knows maybe they are and don't care that they put it out there. Tom Cruise is part of some adult and he even put that out there, that's why people don't really like him. But if believing in God is real, then why not a cult believing in the devil???
2013-02-05 2:15 am
Believe in it?

I'm a member of it
參考: An Illuminatus

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