do u need to hold any ceremonies to be a wiccan?

2013-02-04 2:01 pm
do u need to hold any ceremonies to be a wiccan

回答 (5)

2013-02-04 4:10 pm
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Since Wicca has no sacred texts, Wicca is an orthopraxic religion not an orthodoxy. That means you are defined by what you do more than by what you believe. If you are not doing Wiccan ritual and not celebrating Wiccan Sabbats then it's a rather hard argument to make that you are actually Wiccan and not following any number of other pagan, neo-pagan, or generally undefined New Age beliefs.
2013-02-05 4:12 am
Technically no.

However, if you find none of the ceremonies useful I would question whether Wicca is really for you, or if instead you just agree with some very general concepts.
2013-02-05 2:24 am
I am not sure what you are looking for exactly but I will try to answer.

Wicca is a religion-- it's about how we worship our Gods, and how we live our lives.

When you have learned enough about the Wiccan religion, you begin living as a Wiccan-- worshipping our Gods, living by our tenets.

You live as a Wiccan, you are Wiccan whether you had any ceremonies or not.

HOWEVER Wicca is a fairly ceremonial religion. Most Wiccans hold regular rituals. Many hold Rites of Passage, which may include a dedication ceremony.

Now, ceremonies and rituals are not what makes you Wiccan-- your relationship with your Gods and following things like Wiccan tenets & ethics make you Wiccan. But being Wiccan, you would most likely at some point begin holding Wiccan rituals.

Being a religion, it's all about what you believe and how you behave. No ceremony goes "poof" and changes you just like that.
2013-02-04 10:32 pm
If your solitary, no, although many like to do a self-dedication ritual. I'd give you a link, but in all honesty you can just google it and find some.

If you want to be in a coven then you must be initiated, so you should look around in the area for some if thats the route you want to go, or hit up the net.
參考: Wiccan for about 8 Years Currently Solitary, Formerly in a Coven
2013-02-04 10:02 pm
ask your local wiccan council, or coven ...

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