
2013-02-05 1:28 am
Steve Jobs' passing yesterday was one of those rare occasions when it seemed for some as if the world stood still. It had been known for some time that the Apple Inc co-founder was in ill health and he had even alluded to his time being near, yet word of his death still caused a collective gasp among his countless admirers. This was the man, after all, behind the technological revolutions of the iPhone and iPad, someone worshipped for his innovation, creativity and the perceived simple beauty of the products so many of us have found indispensible to our lives. There have been few so influential, fewer still as idolised.

Jobs was only 56, but he has left a legacy that runs deep and wide, through technology, business and culture. He was an inventor, innovator, marketing wizard, futurist, the refurbisher of ideas and a perfectionist. There are those who compare him to the greatest inventors ever, others who place him above them. He created what we needed before we realised we needed them.

Those creations, starting with the Apple computer in 1977, have changed our global cultural fabric. They have transformed computing, music and mobile phones, altering how we communicate, entertain and access information. Products and services like the iPad 2, Apple Store, iPod and iTunes have made life easier and more instant and, fans argue, more streamlined and sexy. It must be remembered, though, that for all the hits, there were also misses.

As the chief executive of Apple, Jobs set benchmarks that others strived to attain. His trademark black mock turtleneck, blue jeans and sneakers pigeon-holed him as casual cool, an image poles apart from the corporate world he inhabited. Yet as laid-back as he seemed, he was obsessive about perfection, a dictator of the production process and a genius of marketing. Thankfully, he was also a dreamer; without his futuristic thoughts and drive to see them become reality, we would in all likelihood be living in a technologically poorer age.


回答 (2)

2013-02-05 1:40 am
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這些作品,於1977年開始與蘋果電腦已經改變了我們的全球文化結構。他們已經改變了計算機,音樂和手機,改變我們的溝通,娛樂和獲取信息。一樣的iPad 2,蘋果商店,iPod和iTunes的產品和服務,使人們的生活更方便,更即時,球迷們認為,更加精簡和性感。雖然,我們必須記住,全部命中,也有錯過。


2013-02-04 17:41:45 補充:

2013-02-05 1:38 am


這些作品,於1977年開始與蘋果電腦已經改變了我們的全球文化結構。他們已經改變了計算機,音樂和手機,改變我們的溝通,娛樂和獲取信息。一樣的iPad 2,蘋果商店,iPod和iTunes的產品和服務,使人們的生活更方便,更即時,球迷們認為,更加精簡和性感。雖然,我們必須記住,全部命中,也有錯過。

P.S. 不知道對不對啊!錯了不關我的事!!!

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