ideal gas vs real gas

2013-02-04 11:35 pm
Which of the following descriptions of real gas is correct?

collisions are inelastic

I think this option is right because it is one difference between ideal gas and real gas by kinetic theory, however, the answer negate my thought and say "it is true, otherwise the molecules lose KE during collisions,producing sounds" Could anyone explain please?

回答 (1)

2013-02-05 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
The statement is correct for ideal gas, but the answer "......molecules lose KE during collisions, producing sounds" is surely not correct.

If what was given by the answer is right, then we would expect there is sound emitted from a balloon (which is filled with air, hydrogen or helium), as collisions between molecules in real gases are not perfectly elastic. This is clearly not the case in real life.

Another point is that sound is in fact an orderly vibration of gas molecules. Collisions between molecules in a gas are random. How come this would result in an orderly vibration of the molecules to produce sound.

In a real gas, molecular collisions lead to an exchange between the translational kinetic energy of molecules and their internal degrees of freedom (which is just the rotational or vibrational energy of molecules). Hence, translational kinetic energy may not be conserved and the collision is inelastic.

You could refer to the following web-page (read the 3rd para.):

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