
2013-02-04 10:13 pm
Please be advised that your application for leave to issue a writ of possession was granted by the tribunal on 28 january 2013 and the Respondent was ordered to pay the applicant the costs of this application in the sum of $300.
kindly note that this does not automatically take your case further to execution by court bailiff, whether to take further steps is to be decided by you.
if you decide to enforce the order for possession &/or the judgment by the court bailiff,you ate required to file an application for the issue of a writ of possession &/or writ of fieri facias a this tribunal registry and to pay fees and deposits as mentioned below
there is no guarantee that you can recover in full or in part the arrears of rent or sums of money awarded or even the costs of execution incurred or to be incurred. it all depends on the result of execution by the court bailiff ,please determine by yourself which mode(s) of execution is /are required after considering the chance of recovery and the expenses that would be incurred for the bailiffs actions.

回答 (2)

2013-02-04 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
審栽處已於2013件1月2 8日發出閣下要求發出收樓令的申請的准許,而答辯人則被命令須要支付閣下$300作為此申請的訟費。 請注意,這不等於執達吏會自動執行進一步行動,會否再進一步行動由閣下自行決定。 假如閣下決定執行法院的收樓令及或判決,閣下須要提交要求發出收樓令及或收樓加封租的申請,及支付以下有關費用及按金。 執達吏執行判決不能保證閣下定能成功收回所有或部份有關欠租或判令賠償企甚至有關執行已付或將付的墊支費用。這全視乎執達吏執行判決的結果。請閣下自行考慮取回判決金額及執行判決而支出的費用,以決定執行判決的方式。
2013-02-05 1:12 am
Please be advised that your application for leave to issue a writ of possession was granted by the tribunal on 28 january 2013 and the Respondent was ordered to pay the applicant the costs of this application in the sum of $300.
kindly note that this does not automatically take your case further to execution by court bailiff, whether to take further steps is to be decided by you.
if you decide to enforce the order for possession &/or the judgment by the court bailiff,you ate required to file an application for the issue of a writ of possession &/or writ of fieri facias a this tribunal registry and to pay fees and deposits as mentioned below
there is no guarantee that you can recover in full or in part the arrears of rent or sums of money awarded or even the costs of execution incurred or to be incurred. it all depends on the result of execution by the court bailiff ,please determine by yourself which mode(s) of execution is /are required after considering the chance of recovery and the expenses that would be incurred for the bailiffs actions.


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